Lets Talk Chi Town 911

Saturday, December 30, 2006

The Ghoul Pool

Ok so every year we get the big ghoul pool going on at the OEMC. Everyone puts their ten bucks in and picks a district. Where will the first homicide be? There's no money to win here just some good guessing. Let's talk wants to see how our own poll turns out. What district do you think will bring 2007 their first homicide of the year?

Thursday, December 28, 2006

When can we say no?

I have one big, really big pet peeve. I really hope management and the CPD are reading this one! Why on earth can we not tell a citizen that is not a police matter? When someone calls because their meat is spoiled , when their 5 year old son doesn't want to go to school, when the cashier didn't give them the right amount of change, when the boyfriend didn't give the cellfone back after she gave it to him, when the jealous exgirlfriend at 4am wants to check the well being of the boyfriend with the new girlfriend, the list goes on. We would save alot of manpower, time and money if we as calltakers were able to say , "I'm sorry sir/maam that is not a police matter, that is a civil matter. Back in the old room we were able to do that and management would back us up. Nowadays if the citizen wants a report regarding a broken car window and we tell them its a job for Arp and they insist we must send the police. Who are they to dictate when we break our rules? When did the OEMC become so afraid of the citizens and their complaints. I myself as an OEMC employee hate sending a ticket over to the zone regarding little Billy who is fighting with his sister , but you know what I send it over anyway because I know if I don't a CI is a great probability, a CI that my management won't back me up on.

It's just the new year

Ok, ok, it's time for a new year, a new beginning. But can someone, anyone tell us why every year panic hits the OEMC over how many people are there to staff that building. Management knows every year that a new year is coming, so why on earth would they wait 5, 3 sometimes 1 day before you tell someone their day off is cancelled? We have lives, we have children, we have family. Something there just isn't right! Each and every year absolutely nothing happens, so why should this be different? We get the same number of shots fired calls and then at around 1am, a big chunk of the city shuts down. Sure you have your bars that close at 3 or 4 but that's about it. Maybe management should figure this one out with a little more than 3 days to go til the New Year! Oh by the way, Happy 2007 to all!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Where ya been?????????

Sorry folks, been busy talkin to management, dispatchers, police officers, calltakers, citizens. What Let's talk found out is that we are doin a damn good job!!!!!!!!
We are always made to look at the bad guys, WE didn't get that job out or WE didn't do a 100 percent with our statistics, or WE didn't come to work when WE were sick! And after all the research and talks, WE do 110 percent and maybe 20 percent of that is appreciated by everyone else. We work our lunches when we have to, we come to work on our days off when we are asked, we work with whoever you give us and we get the job done, we put up with citizens swearing at us and yelling at us, we deal with our Xmas dinner being taken away from us and not complaining, we deal with getting slammed every other day with a reprimand because we were sick, truly sick and forgive me if it was after my day off, we deal with coming in on holidays, leaving our kids at home with their freshly opened new toys sprawled out, we deal with no sleep on midnights coming to work half dead because we tried to be a family member after all this job isn't all we have to do, we deal with having no parking in the parking lot because we employees have to make room for visitors, we deal with the police officer that chooses to talk to us like we are idiots (thankfully its not many), we deal with ALL OF IT, AND WE DO A DAMN GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So on this Christmas morning, yes I am done with all of my research, I am proud to be where I am at, and I think I speak on behalf of alot of us Operations Floor Employees when I say that place wouldn't run without us. We are doing the best job we can based on what we are given and the atmosphere we are in. We are where it all begins, we deserve a whole heck of alot more recognition, respect than we are getting. Merry Christmas to all and Let us all hope that in 2007 we find ourselves in the best of health, and that this is OUR year, the year we receive what is rightfully due to us!

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all of my coworkers at the OEMC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

In the meantime

In the meantime, if you dispatchers and calltakers get a chance read the new memo that just came out regarding RAP's. That will be discussed soon!

What's with the bashing??????

This blog was created for Oemc employees to vent, share triumphs, frustrations and other words of support to be shared. It wasn't created to "compete" with other blogs. Lets Talk does not appreciate the "bashing" from other blogs. Lets Talk does not understand why a whole post was dedicated to us on another blog. Being away for a week is really no need to panic, it just means that maybe an issue is being researched, maybe some of us don't see this as a "competition" Let's talk is here for the employees not to compete, sorry to disappoint you. Look for a new post regarding the whole RAP issue after Lets Talk is done researching, digging and reading.