Lets Talk Chi Town 911

Thursday, December 28, 2006

It's just the new year

Ok, ok, it's time for a new year, a new beginning. But can someone, anyone tell us why every year panic hits the OEMC over how many people are there to staff that building. Management knows every year that a new year is coming, so why on earth would they wait 5, 3 sometimes 1 day before you tell someone their day off is cancelled? We have lives, we have children, we have family. Something there just isn't right! Each and every year absolutely nothing happens, so why should this be different? We get the same number of shots fired calls and then at around 1am, a big chunk of the city shuts down. Sure you have your bars that close at 3 or 4 but that's about it. Maybe management should figure this one out with a little more than 3 days to go til the New Year! Oh by the way, Happy 2007 to all!


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