Open post
Yeah yeah I know it's been awhile. Sorry Turkeyday, furlo, just got a little busy. But watch selections are up, furlo selections will be held soon, (why can't we go back to bidding by unit instead of watch) anybody have any other ideas or thoughts??????
At 28 November, 2007 22:57 ,
Anonymous said...
Furlough picks by unit instead of watch? There's a blast from the past! Blogmaster, methinks you just dated yourself!
At 29 November, 2007 16:37 ,
Anonymous said...
Mayor just combined CPD sup. and Trotters old spot. What does that mean for us???? I guess only time will tell.
At 04 December, 2007 15:01 ,
Anonymous said...
What date is SC's annual Christmas party this year.?
At 05 December, 2007 01:32 ,
Anonymous said...
who cares
At 05 December, 2007 14:45 ,
P.C.O.1.4EVER said...
SOMEONE cares....they aksed!!
At 06 December, 2007 01:59 ,
Anonymous said...
That someone cares only to have an evening to 'look' at her BIG boobs!
At 06 December, 2007 19:33 ,
Anonymous said...
And what's wrong with wanting to "see" those big boobs? She's an attractive, friendly woman who likes to have a good time. Quit hatin!!
At 07 December, 2007 03:01 ,
Future cop in 016 said...
hey does anyone know where M.J. is she does 016 and 017 on midnights been ?? i miss hearin her on the scaner , shes funny and does a good job
At 07 December, 2007 15:04 ,
Anonymous said...
To Future Cop in 016: MJ on furlo. Also , she got her a$$ in some hot water over some conflict in personalities and bad messaging over pdt. Somebody is out to chop her head on the termination block!
You might want to start listening up to other zones and pick out a new idol to listen to!
At 08 December, 2007 02:42 ,
Future cop in 016 said...
thanks for the news , sucks 4 her... i only listen to 016 cuz i live there ...looks like its time to listen another zone
At 14 December, 2007 23:06 ,
Anonymous said...
hey blogmaster, any comments about the pco who had the monster nads to refuse an assignment (because it wasn't said pco's "regular zone") by just refusing to work at all and going home before the day even began? sure it is nice to have a regular zone, but we are all paid to dispatch at any position. a radio is after all a radio no matter where in the room it is. let the turmoil begin when the suspension comes down for this one. this might be the 8.9 quake that really brings our world crashing down.
At 08 January, 2008 12:00 ,
Anonymous said...
Blogmaster, why don't you just end this blog? It's never updated!
At 11 January, 2008 18:52 ,
Anonymous said...
Maybe blogmaster is on a leave, extended furlo, or suspension.....or better yet...........GOT OUT OF THIS HELL HOLE!!!!
At 13 January, 2008 02:41 ,
Anonymous said...
i think they should post a death notification in the CO book for this blog.... hahaha
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