How we doin so far?
Well so new boss new ideas right? An exercise class, a stress management class, some nice awards, a newsletter and so much more! So how are things really going at the OEMC? Any ideas or comments, anything you are not happy with or think is just not being handled correctly? Sound off here.
At 17 May, 2007 18:57 ,
Anonymous said...
When are they going to get somebody, anybody to clean the dust bunnies off of our consoles?
Just use one of your disenfecting wipes to wipe the area where the monitors sit, under those new monitor stands..........see what our recycled filtered air system is leaving there for us to inhale into our lungs! This looks to be as/or more harmful than second hand smoke!
At 17 May, 2007 21:56 ,
Anonymous said...
I like the little changes around work. It's beginning to feel like we are at work and not a sweatshop all the time.
Thank you for our wonderful coworkers who volunteer thier time to do these classes.
Summer is quickly approaching and the last few years just feels like 2 seasons, summer and winter.
We are going to take a vicious beating this summer, call volume every year thousands more than the previous, if there is a big boss reading this, we are well aware of the manpower shortage, but please do not keep repeatedly denying time due. Our stats are always going to be in the hole, we can't control the amount of call volume. We need a break or two just to get in a breath. A happy employee is a healthy one.
At 17 May, 2007 21:56 ,
Anonymous said...
I like the little changes around work. It's beginning to feel like we are at work and not a sweatshop all the time.
Thank you for our wonderful coworkers who volunteer thier time to do these classes.
Summer is quickly approaching and the last few years just feels like 2 seasons, summer and winter.
We are going to take a vicious beating this summer, call volume every year thousands more than the previous, if there is a big boss reading this, we are well aware of the manpower shortage, but please do not keep repeatedly denying time due. Our stats are always going to be in the hole, we can't control the amount of call volume. We need a break or two just to get in a breath. A happy employee is a healthy one.
At 17 May, 2007 21:57 ,
Anonymous said...
oops I stuttered!
At 18 May, 2007 08:13 ,
km911 said...
What about the new little change announced at the 1st watch roll call last night
No more time due for the rest of this period...AND...after that, if anyone is working overtime of any kind, extension, rdo or mandatory, then no time due either!!
Glad I only have 4 more years...
At 18 May, 2007 08:24 ,
Anonymous said...
I guess no boss reads this!!!
At 18 May, 2007 19:10 ,
Anonymous said...
we are glad you only have four more years also. maybe we could figure out a way to get your trouble-making huge ass out the door sooner.
member of 21
At 19 May, 2007 23:05 ,
Anonymous said...
that's mean
At 21 May, 2007 15:13 ,
km911 said...
I've been trying to figure out the same thing!
At 21 May, 2007 16:01 ,
Anonymous said...
cmon now everyone let's be adults here, we are all in this miserable no time due giving mess! Let us hope that all of this blows over really soon and we can also lead a homelife and job!
At 22 May, 2007 20:00 ,
Anonymous said...
Hey Karen..........poster 7:10 pm must be a real jealous sob ! LOL
When you finally do get out of this hell hole.........they will get your spot that's really a funny thought!
At 23 May, 2007 11:30 ,
Anonymous said...
now that is a really funny thought!
Congrats Karen ! After 10 yrs of dispatching I am amazed each and every time I have the pleasure of working with you on that ridiculous zone. Great job. Thanks for keeping me and my kin safe when I go home. j
At 07 June, 2007 13:35 ,
Anonymous said...
guess starts didn't get the OEMC job...someone from within, who actually knows about the place got it...
"The Mayor also named Tony Ruiz Executive Director of the Office of
Emergency Management and Communications, where he worked for 12 years
before becoming First Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Streets
and Sanitation in 2005."
At 07 June, 2007 15:46 ,
Anonymous said...
I been there since oemc opened and have NEVER heard of Tony Ruiz. What the hell kind of experience does he have???
At 07 June, 2007 19:41 ,
Anonymous said...
Tony was the top guy with ISCN a few years back... very very intelligent man... very nice as well... he knows how a communications center works, and has enough sense to trust those who keep it running from day to day... he will be very good for this place
At 09 June, 2007 00:42 ,
Anonymous said...
we can only hope
At 19 June, 2007 13:30 ,
Anonymous said...
How you doin so far???? 1 month and no new post. Lots of stuff happening, lets get on it
At 19 June, 2007 20:21 ,
Anonymous said...
KG and AA, where the hell are you?
At 19 June, 2007 23:35 ,
Anonymous said...
lets talk chi town 911 is officially pronounced DOA.
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