10-1 is just that , no ifs ands or buts
Don't know what else to say but there is no excuse for not doing your job. Calltakers take the calls one at a time, get as much info as possible, if they dont tell you, ask! Don't just tell the dispatcher they are calling again or "dupe". Go that extra mile and answer every question a po on the street would like to know. Dispatchers, your number one priority should be officer safety. Your job is to dispatch jobs, order that tow, run that name or plate, yes even if they have 4. Bottom line, this is your job, just do it and do it good.
At 05 September, 2009 10:35 ,
Screw said...
I posted on SCC about the problem with the divide between civilians and POs, not only in recent posts but over the years. There is truth from both sides, but just as there are dogs, there are people that are committed to being the best.
Those that judge themselves and others by what they do for a living should just shoot themselves. I'm not a PO or work at OEMC, but I'm still a man. I'd be a man no matter what I did because I take care of my family. I'm a father, a husband and live my life as best as I can. If I'm looked down upon for accepting a position that is not respected by POs so be it. I'm sure there are many of you that feel the same way. We do this because we have to, but we take pride in what we do as well. We took these jobs for the same reason many POs become police officers; to make a difference, to help our city, to become examples for our children. I wish POs would give us that much.
Too many POs are arrogant and the power of a badge and gun fill their otherwise empty egos. I've heard some dispatchers on the radio over the years and there are numerous examples of arrogance, bitterness and laziness as well.
For those of you who look at this as just a job, you should be ashamed. You still have a responsibility to your job and the officers you work with or dispatch for. Leave if you're not happy; that goes for everyone.
At 05 September, 2009 18:41 ,
Anonymous said...
Welcome back!
This has been covered in great detail by SCC. But here's a summary of what happened.
#1 Call comes in and is dropped.
#2 ODPO calls back and gives info. Calltaker/Dispatcher creates the event and sends it to zone10. (Good job.)
#3 Calltaker/Dispatcher does her job the way it should be and turns her red light to notify an OEMC supervisor.
#4 OEMC supervisor S.G. answer's the calltaker's redlight and says ok. Supervisor then goes back to his desk up front and doesn't notify or check on zone10 dispatcher to see that call is handled correctly.
#5 Z-10 dispatcher is asleep (this is from several sources on surrounding zones, however the dispatcher that f-d up says he was playing solitare on his phone) and call doesn't get dispatched for over 6 minutes maybe 7. Also mobile relay from 1099 to dispatcher asking about 10-1 incident is ignored.
#6 Call finally gets dispatched and OEMC supervisor immediately gives a verbal counseling to the dispatcher. No punishment just a verbal warning. This is because this supervisor S.G. is the same supervisor who answered the call taker's red light and did nothing. He had to cover his but so a verbal warning was his way of doing that.
#7 Dispatcher who f-d up is back on the floor the next night laughing and joking. Several other dispatchers and calltakers are amazed by this. Both because this guy is dangerous and is still dispatching and because he's laughing and acting as if nothing happened.
#8 From talking to other supervisors on other watches they are all upset on how this was handled. These supervisors cited many OEMC SOP's and similar police general orders listing the violations that the zone10 dispatcher made. None of these were addressed.
#9 Dispatchers on 1st watch are afraid to work with this particular dispatcher because he is dangerous and they don't want to "baby sit."
#10 Rumor has it that this guy's father is CPD and has some pull so nobody wants to ruffle any feathers.
#11 Not that it's the same thing but this f-d up 10-1 is similar to the Durkin Park incident last year or the year before. (I personally think this 10-1 FUBAR is worse). Those dispatchers a f/2 & f/4 took 15 & 30 days for their incident. The dispatcher from the 10-1 gets a verbal warning. You have got to be kidding me.
#12 After Durkin Park numerous policies and procedures were changed. One of them being a gigantic screen in the back of the room above all the dispatchers facing the supervisors listing pending calls and the length of time they have been waiting for dispatch. How in the world did the numerous supervisors on the floor miss this? Especially the supervisor who was already aware of the pending 10-1 event?
Many, many of us dispatchers on the 1st watch are upset at this. We are upset because it has long been known that this dispatcher is useless. We are also upset because those of us dispatchers who know what we are doing and go out of our way to make sure our cars are safe have been lumped in with this pathetic employee. It's sad that this happened. Even worse that this may happen again with this same dispatcher because he doesn't care and is just not cut out to be a dispatcher.
At 05 September, 2009 18:42 ,
Anonymous said...
Welcome back!
This has been covered in great detail by SCC. But here's a summary of what happened.
#1 Call comes in and is dropped.
#2 ODPO calls back and gives info. Calltaker/Dispatcher creates the event and sends it to zone10. (Good job.)
#3 Calltaker/Dispatcher does her job the way it should be and turns her red light to notify an OEMC supervisor.
#4 OEMC supervisor S.G. answer's the calltaker's redlight and says ok. Supervisor then goes back to his desk up front and doesn't notify or check on zone10 dispatcher to see that call is handled correctly.
#5 Z-10 dispatcher is asleep (this is from several sources on surrounding zones, however the dispatcher that f-d up says he was playing solitare on his phone) and call doesn't get dispatched for over 6 minutes maybe 7. Also mobile relay from 1099 to dispatcher asking about 10-1 incident is ignored.
#6 Call finally gets dispatched and OEMC supervisor immediately gives a verbal counseling to the dispatcher. No punishment just a verbal warning. This is because this supervisor S.G. is the same supervisor who answered the call taker's red light and did nothing. He had to cover his but so a verbal warning was his way of doing that.
#7 Dispatcher who f-d up is back on the floor the next night laughing and joking. Several other dispatchers and calltakers are amazed by this. Both because this guy is dangerous and is still dispatching and because he's laughing and acting as if nothing happened.
#8 From talking to other supervisors on other watches they are all upset on how this was handled. These supervisors cited many OEMC SOP's and similar police general orders listing the violations that the zone10 dispatcher made. None of these were addressed.
#9 Dispatchers on 1st watch are afraid to work with this particular dispatcher because he is dangerous and they don't want to "baby sit."
#10 Rumor has it that this guy's father is CPD and has some pull so nobody wants to ruffle any feathers.
#11 Not that it's the same thing but this f-d up 10-1 is similar to the Durkin Park incident last year or the year before. (I personally think this 10-1 FUBAR is worse). Those dispatchers a f/2 & f/4 took 15 & 30 days for their incident. The dispatcher from the 10-1 gets a verbal warning. You have got to be kidding me.
#12 After Durkin Park numerous policies and procedures were changed. One of them being a gigantic screen in the back of the room above all the dispatchers facing the supervisors listing pending calls and the length of time they have been waiting for dispatch. How in the world did the numerous supervisors on the floor miss this? Especially the supervisor who was already aware of the pending 10-1 event?
Many, many of us dispatchers on the 1st watch are upset at this. We are upset because it has long been known that this dispatcher is useless. We are also upset because those of us dispatchers who know what we are doing and go out of our way to make sure our cars are safe have been lumped in with this pathetic employee. It's sad that this happened. Even worse that this may happen again with this same dispatcher because he doesn't care and is just not cut out to be a dispatcher.
At 05 September, 2009 21:38 ,
011th District said...
Thank you
At 07 September, 2009 11:24 ,
Anonymous said...
Dont worry! I am sure if it was the baby mama ghetto domestic with the 7 year old it would of been disptached quickly.Go the extra mile for the p.o....not ml zone 10 third watch. She will bark orders and expect everybody to jump to clear her board but if we ask for a call back on a serious priority 1 job she just cares about clearing her board.She thinks talking fast and spazzing out will get everyone all nervous that theirs jobs pending.But hey as long as the board is cleared because god forbid something goes over time.
At 07 September, 2009 16:16 ,
Anonymous said...
"10-1" hmmmm i dont understand how this moron of a dispatcher still has a job! if i recall correctly didn't the 2 dispatchers on zone-6 get walked off the floor for not handling the Durkin Park situation properly?? why is it that this dispatcher is still on the floor taking calls & dispacthing?? who does he know? a 10-1 is a 10-1 no matter who you are! is it a racial issue maybe? the 2 dispatchers on zone-6 that were suspended for 50 days total - well one was puerto rican & the other white! hmmmm dispatcher who failed to give out 10-1 - (black)! hmmmm questions questions questions! is he affiliated with some church? is his father good friends with C.T.??? whats the deal here? because of lazy dispatcher the 2 regulars that are very good dispatchers are also getting in trouble...why if he was the one who was asleep or playing on his phone & not paying attention???? why?? oh well i guess it pays to be the son of a sgt who might be good friends with C.T.!!
At 09 September, 2009 19:12 ,
Anonymous said...
durkin park vs. 10-1. outcry by the public for blood vs. no outcry by the public. who gives a fuck about a p/o calling for help? not shortshanks, not the public, not sg and not ct.
unless something unusual happens, this mess is a dead issue, but if a sudden outcry catches mayor shortshanks unaware, ct, sg and the incompetent dispatcher better jump on monstor.com because they are going to need a job.
At 10 September, 2009 10:26 ,
Anonymous said...
clout and merit may get alot of people hurt or killed in the summer of 2016!
At 10 September, 2009 13:13 ,
Anonymous said...
Where is the pussy Raymond Orozco on this 10-1 matter?
If this was about a fireman calling a mayday inside a burning building and it was not dispatched for 7 minutes, Orozco would be fuming and firing somebody on the fire side of the floor!
How about it Ray, you pussy, do the right thing and get to the bottom of this, before it explodes and sticks it in your bottom!
Or are you going to tell us that a policeman calling for help is not as important as a fireman calling for help?
John Kass, please give this story a look-see and write a column about it? Please, because Ray doesn't give a crap if it isn't about a fireman.
At 10 September, 2009 21:24 ,
Anonymous said...
Still the #1 dispatcher is still working! WHY? They have him calltaking & doing reliefs on the zones. Im sure he is aware that NOBODY wants to work with him. There is no time for babysitting a dispatcher that should already know what he should be doing! I hope that the PO's dont put the good dispatchers in the same category as "useless" most of us dispatchers care about what happens to the PO's on the street. We know they have families that they need to come home to. We want them to come home safe & sound to their families. It's been known for a long time that he is useless, he walks around like he's been on the job for 25 yrs & not ONE supervisor/acting watch manager or the watch manager has the nerve to tell him something! When he is in a calltaking capacity he plays video games & sleeps right in front of all the supervisors that were there the night of the 10-1, goes to break & lunch early & comes back late! WTH! Unbelievable I don't understand how he still has a job! His daddy must have some kind of pull @ oemc or must be a personal friend of C.T.!!! I hope if this ever happens again to one of his co-workers the same treatment is given to them as well...fair is fair! I apologize to the police officer that was involved because a member of my family is a police officer & I have many friends that are the police also. I'm glad nothing happened to the officer involved!
At 11 September, 2009 04:04 ,
Second City Wifey said...
As a fellow dispatcher I completely agree with you. I don't know why people take the job if they don't want to do it. These are peoples lives we are dealing with, we are not taking hamburger orders. I read in an article that any life threatening call has a 10 minute dispatch window? Is that true? I will try to find the article. I can't imagine calling with an emergency and the call not being dispatched because there are 10 minutes of grace period. I am a suburban dispatcher and I bow down to you city spatchers. Most of you are AMAZING but there are those well you know what I mean.
Great blog by the way!
At 11 September, 2009 08:49 ,
Anonymous said...
Was 911 slow to aid cop under fire?
BY FRAN SPIELMAN City Hall Reporter/fspielman@suntimes.com
Was 911 slow to aid cop under fire?
UP TO 8-MINUTE DELAY | City probing what took so long to help off-duty officer
Fri, 11 Sep 2009 04:00
BY FRAN SPIELMAN City Hall Reporter/fspielman@suntimes.com
Chicago's emergency chief has launched an internal investigation to find out why up to eight minutes went by before police were dispatched to assist an off-duty officer who called 911 to report that he had been shot at by a car filled with alleged gang members.
Four men are facing attempted first-degree murder charges after allegedly following the unidentified Marquette District officer and firing shots into his vehicle shortly after 3 a.m. on Aug. 28. The officer, who managed to return fire while driving, was not injured, sources said.
A 10-1 -- the term used to describe a call from an officer who needs assistance -- is the most serious of emergency calls, requiring immediate dispatch. But that's apparently not what happened at 26th and Pulaski. For some reason, dispatch was delayed. And Ray Orozco, executive director of the city's Office of Emergency Management and Communications, is determined to find out why.
"We're conducting an investigation into an allegation that there was a delay in dispatch of a 10-1 for a Chicago Police officer. That means officer needs assistance. It doesn't necessarily mean the officer was shot," Orozco said.
"There's quite a few people who were interviewed. We will know the exact minutes and seconds [of delay] because it's all taped. Safety of the public and first-responders -- whether it's police officers or firefighters -- is part of our core mission here at OEMC."
Orozco refused to speculate on the cause of the delay.
"We'll find out what the facts are. I hope to conclude the investigation by the middle of next week," he said. "I can't say whether there will be disciplinary action or not. I have to see whether the charges are sustained."
Sources at the 911 center reported that the incident was bungled from the outset.
The first 911 call was dropped, forcing the off-duty officer to call back, the sources said. The call was then referred to a Zone 10 call-taker/dispatcher, who turned on her red light to notify a supervisor that an officer needed assistance.
The supervisor then returned to his desk and allegedly did not follow through to make certain that the Zone 10 dispatcher -- accused of causing the delay -- had handled the call correctly. Only after a so-called mobile relay officer called in to ask about the 10-1 call did police finally get dispatched, the sources said.
After the delay, the supervisor gave a "verbal warning" to the dispatcher who allegedly dropped the ball, sources said.
Two years ago, two 911 dispatchers were suspended -- for 20 and 15 days respectively -- for failing to notify police about a brawl at Durkin Park on the Southwest Side.
Procedures at the 911 center were also changed after that incident. For example, a giant screen was installed on the operations floor listing pending calls and the length of time awaiting dispatch.
That prompted one dispatcher to say of the Aug. 28 incident, "How in the world did the numerous supervisors on the floor miss this?"
At 12 September, 2009 00:34 ,
Anonymous said...
Investigation now official. Let's see how far the heads will roll. Hopefully, only the dispatcher & supervisor directly involved in this mess are sent to the chopping block.
At 14 September, 2009 03:33 ,
Anonymous said...
The incident made the papers! Sayonara! I hope that PO sues the SHIT out of the dispatcher & the OEMC!
At 15 September, 2009 03:45 ,
Anonymous said...
Who was the goof female dispatcher assisting on zone 6 yesterday (14 Sep 09 / 0005 hrs)?
I ran a wisconson plate on my pdt and popped up 'Steal'. I run it over the air to verify and this goof female starts reading me the owners address (no asking me if I'm secure for info). Then there's a footchase on the zone and even after it was ended she never gets back to me letting me know I have a PSMV on my hands.
Good thing we had the guy in cuffs already and he didn't try to fight of run. Someone can really get hurt because of this goof.
At 16 September, 2009 14:33 ,
Anonymous said...
Same dispatcher screws up again. Read today's Scum Times. This is a "Sterling" example of why this dispatcher and supervisor both need to be given the ax. I won't be buying tickets to your 10-1 party. I may be out front calling 911 on the illegally parked cars in front of the hall where it is being held.
At 16 September, 2009 20:38 ,
Have it Better Than Most said...
"We're conducting an investigation into an allegation that there was a delay in dispatch of a 10-1 for a Chicago Police officer. That means officer needs assistance. It doesn't necessarily mean the officer was shot," Orozco said.
We'll find out what the facts are. I hope to conclude the investigation by the middle of next week," he said. "I can't say whether there will be disciplinary action or not. I have to see whether the charges are sustained."
That's nice Orozcoby next week you hope to have it done....Oh too bad it was too late for the ISP Trooper at the Dan Ryan woods.... Same goofinvolved in both incidents....and then "it doesn't necessarily mean the officer was shot" that's nice mush, you would be the first to scream if a paramedic was waiting...
At 16 September, 2009 22:54 ,
Anonymous said...
He made a very big mistake and could of cost this officer as well as other officers and civilians their lives by not airing the information that was immediately available to him. So you did not assign a car, what about airing the info ? Every officer out there would of been responding. Did he or did he not air the details? He should be a man and own up to his actions! Anything is better than making up BS excuses for what he did.
At 17 September, 2009 01:47 ,
Anonymous said...
Look dumbass..get your facts straight..the state police dispatcher said chicago police were not needed...so we're suppossed to take the word of a citizen calling in over the word of the state police dispatcher?
At 19 September, 2009 22:47 ,
Anonymous said...
This is getting beat to death. I have worked in many districts and came accross numerous dispatchers that do a tremendous job. Carlos and Tab zone 6 3rd watch. Jess, Laura, Karen & Mike zone 6 midnights. Simone zone 8 3rd watch. Ramona zone 8 3rd watch. Lupe and Lyna zone 10 midnights. CW1 (don't know your name) midnights. You all do a GREAT job!!! There's a few names I've missed but it's hard to remember them all. Thanks for taking the time to do your job right and keep us safe. That said. Carlos and Tab your partner needs to take some notes from the two of you. There's much for her to improve upon. Simone, God bless you for putting up with whoever it is that you have to work with. Lupe and Lyna I'm so so sorry for who you were stuck with. CW1 3rd watch you'll be the next to make the Scum Times.
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