New Contract
Well as many of you heard, contract negotiations a done deal, or is it?
No retro, 6.25% and Jan 2010 a tad bit more, well let's look on the bright side, at
least we have jobs. Happy 4th of July!
No retro, 6.25% and Jan 2010 a tad bit more, well let's look on the bright side, at
least we have jobs. Happy 4th of July!
At 04 July, 2009 15:49 ,
Anonymous said...
Can we ever get detached from this 'packaged' negotiations and be our own entity & negotiate for us & us alone? WTF! We are 24/7 365 days...........the others M-F or part-timers. Screw this offer! Screw da mayor! Scare tactics! City cannot afford to cover all the tma & ta jobs with sworn po...ain't gonna happen!
We have to get different union representation! Wake up!
At 06 July, 2009 15:43 ,
Anonymous said...
Can we get different union representation? It's obvious that our union doesn't care what we get because if they did they would shut this offer down! We could strike but we all cannot come together as one! We are damned if we do and damned if we don't! It's just going to get worse! Next thing you know we won't even get holiday pay, sick time, personal day out the door, dbl days will be gone, etc... etc.... etc.... I think we should start looking for NEW representation our own separate union before things really get bad and next thing you know we'll be getting pink slips!
At 06 July, 2009 18:10 ,
Anonymous said...
Are you kidding?
At 06 July, 2009 19:05 ,
Anonymous said...
bow to king dick his bluff bitches!
At 08 July, 2009 08:58 ,
Anonymous said...
You guys are 24/7 365 but your union representation sold you guys out. You see, there are a lot of close door meetings that happen that influences the negotiation process to go a certain way and it's not the members way. I know because I have been there and a source in the current negotiation efforts has told me of several deals that benefit only the union officers and not their membership.
Good luck ! We're all going backwards in our careers, it's something we can't control because of the economy, but we can slow it down with the right union representation negotiating our contracts. You guys don't have the right people up there fighting for you and your families.
At 09 July, 2009 09:19 ,
Anonymous said...
The cops will probably end up with the worst contract they ever could wish for. Those graft checks will be gone and they will be given a 2% raise.
At 11 July, 2009 07:27 ,
Anonymous said...
You'll all be replaced by a computer dispatch system in five years. Good luck- Da Mare
At 11 July, 2009 15:00 ,
Anonymous said...
Ask the union lawyer on the 14th!
At 16 July, 2009 18:54 ,
Anonymous said...
12 signatures short on the petition to file with labor board to 'sever' us from Unit 2! Hope we were able to get those 12 signed up today. MD ....did we succeed?
At 17 July, 2009 11:00 ,
Anonymous said...
Check out what someone called chicagodiva had to say in the Sun Times today,CST-NWS-overtime17.article
At 17 July, 2009 15:19 ,
Anonymous said...
Ever ask yourself...why do you need a union anyway. The rest of us who work without unions, still have our jobs, get raises and have way better insurance than you do.
At 19 July, 2009 13:48 ,
Anonymous said...
why is ct being such a handjob?
At 21 July, 2009 16:52 ,
Anonymous said...
all city unions are in bed with daley dennis gannon could care less about city the city worker gave up alot and you still have to live in this shithole of a city.i wonder if you will still ring those doorbells for your chinamen.
At 21 July, 2009 16:56 ,
Anonymous said...
did 90% of city workers vote for obama,daley change how u like them apples!
At 22 July, 2009 08:37 ,
Anonymous said...
Your guy JA is negotiating deals behind the Executive Director. Just approach him and ask him if he's met with any of the union representatives in the last week. Has JA kept you in the loop ? Just ask him..
At 23 July, 2009 13:11 ,
Anonymous said...
I have just heard the news that our retired supervisor Louie Fraizer passed away. Many people dont know him and some didn't like him. He along with many of the other retired PO's helped get this place started. He didn't hava a problem getting people to work and had no tolerence for b.s. Like him or dislike him, he was still a human being and if the rumors are true that a few people actually cheered and danced when they heard the news is disgusting beyond words. What kind of people do we work with?? This man was a husband and a good friend to alot of people up there!! I hope the slobs that did that and we all know who they are rot in hell or better yet have a heart attack the next time they have an outburst. One day someone is going to walk up and beat her ass because nobody is afraid of her physically, they just dont want the grief of having to sit in jail.
RIP Louie. You will be missed because since you and the rest left this place hasn't been the same!
At 25 July, 2009 21:05 ,
Anonymous said...
Whatever the reasons or opinions of the 3 people who voted yes for this....the DAMN thing was going to pass didn't u think for a second that you could have just stood with the rest of us to make a point? However symbolic that point may be?????
At 25 July, 2009 22:31 ,
Anonymous said...
OT: I saw a post in SCC about P.O.'s being called up and detailed to OEMC to dispatch. WTF is that? Can't hire quality people so we get every piece of shit in the City. Now they are taking police of the streets to do our jobs. There's a backlog in every district every day because we don't have enough police on the street. How would taking more police off the street and sending them to dispatch be logical. This mayor, the aldermen, and our bosses who allow this to happen are all silly, silly, silly. Silly I say!. But if this is true maybe the first P.O. can replace that loud mouth bitch on zone 6 (not Tab or Carlos) I'm sick of listening to her. I go home and take 2 handfulls of tylenol everyday she works.
At 26 July, 2009 13:34 ,
Anonymous said...
With all the automated systems, why is their still desk crews in city police stations? Lots of the suburban dept's have done away with them. Or are the inside folks just not up to work the street again?
At 27 July, 2009 14:17 ,
Anonymous said...
Chicago Diva ? Sound like JA had too much time in his hands to write this BS !
At 28 July, 2009 04:30 ,
Anonymous said...
Vote yes on the contract just to make a point and in the process make all of us look like a bunch of greedy assholes who don't care about anyone but ourselves? NO I DON'T THINK SO. Some of us do care about a little more than ourselves. Yes it would have been nice to see those thousands of dollars we got robbed of, but my morals told me that saving one job somewhere in this piece of shit city, a job that would have provided someone an opportunity to feed his/her children and keep the house they dreamed of buying, is a little bit more important. We have jobs people, stop being so damn greedy and realize that you're among the fortunate who still have jobs are are able to feed and provide for your loved ones.
I didn't bother voting because it was nothing but a waste of time. And making a point wasn't worth me driving to work on my day off just to make myself more of a hated person. It's bad enough the media is hammering us about the overtime we work and the public is constantly complaining about....practically everything. Stop to think about what it really is you're making a point about. The only point you're really making is how greedy and self centered you are being.
At 29 July, 2009 00:01 ,
Anonymous said...
loud mouth bitch on zone 6 huh?!? lol..u just don't know what s decent dispatcher is....keep on taking your tylenol baby...cuz i'm not going ANYWHERE!!!! :-)
At 19 August, 2009 16:21 ,
Anonymous said...
you asked for change
da mayor and obama gave it to you
lay offs and unpaid holidays and furlo days
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