What happened
Woah there! Seems there are some rather demanding folks out there, and that's very understandable. However it appears some changes have been made at the OEMC. Excuse me for not being up on the 411. Oh no I'm not going to get mad for anyone putting me down for not posting anything about a change that has been made. But at the same time please understand unlike the other blog, I am not a very "inside scoop" person. Unfortunately I do not have any connections on what will happen before us little people find out. I have another life outside of the OEMC. I am sorry this probably won't be a "professional " blog. This blog is a place to vent, good times, bad times and whatever else is on someones mind. So with all that said if somoene would like to start up another blog, that would be great. There can never be enough talk about the OEMC. In any event, since I haven't been to the big building on Madison in a bit, the rumor of "him" leaving is all I know about. Good Luck Sir if that is the case.
At 19 May, 2008 07:41 ,
Anonymous said...
Well, seeing as I am the first to post, either everyone is in mourning or the party is still going on.....more info please when you are all done grieving or sobering up, which ever it is.
At 19 May, 2008 12:02 ,
Anonymous said...
I know this is just a hobby for you, but you asked and we gave you the green light to keep going. Now 8 days between threads is a bit much, especially when things are really happening, even if it is just a hobby!
Now you print 13 1/2 sentences for a thread named "What happened" and 12 1/2 sentences are complaining and whining, and 1/2 of a sentence is donated to "what happened", and the last 1/2 sentence is kissing the goof's ass.
Come on now! The jerk is gone. MK must be on an exquisite high! Karma's a bitch! Talk it up people!
At 19 May, 2008 13:45 ,
Anonymous said...
You don't have to have an "inside scoop" to know what's going on around here lately. Just open your eyes and ears. Now, who's next on the chopping block? Or better yet, who's left!
At 20 May, 2008 03:29 ,
Anonymous said...
if the owner of this blog doesn't know the details of RS's firing, then how do expect him or her to type about them??
seems to me the people that know the true story - aren't talking!
...... at least on HERE.
At 22 May, 2008 10:06 ,
Anonymous said...
k, i got a thread starter for you...
will you please turn up the fucking volume!!!!! one day it is going to get one of us (po) killed, and when that does oh the law suit will be epic!!! more specifically zone 9, for the love of God is it really that hard to turn the little knob that says volume to the "up" position
At 23 May, 2008 02:27 ,
Anonymous said...
k, no offense, but are you stupid?
Yes, we have a knob that controls the volume, but it only controls the INCOMING volume that we hear in our own headset!
We CAN NOT control the OUT-GOING volume! There is NO SUCH KNOB for that!
THAT is controlled on your own damn radio !!!!
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