You are punishing a watch manager because you feel his stats were unsatisfactory. This watch manager is respected and well liked by all. This watch manager brought the medical stats down. This watch manager was able to run his watch to the best of his ability. The bottom line is we are not adequately staffed. You cannot blame our lack of staff on one person. His supervisors do what they need to do. And so now the switch is set to take place on March 5th. And if you think stats are unsatisfactory now, just wait til March. While we have no control over what management does. We have no control over what manager they place on what watch, we still can voice our opinions. So in light of "the switch", here are a few points. 1) Yes, I put that slip in 6 months ago and yes I really do need that day off for whatever family function I have. 2) Please don't come up to me and tell me that you will owe me , you are the boss and all you owe me is a seat up in that place for 8 hours. 3) Please take deep breaths and know that our previous watch manager was able to do this without that "nervous nick" look. 4) Please understand that we work hard, we have families and believe it or not we look forward to our scheduled furlo, so please don't mess with us when it comes to that segment that we truly look forward to. And lastly to the management up above, you may think the moves you make are for the better, but summer is around the corner. Remember this equation, Summer chaos +continually getting denied td+being questioned like a 5 year old +denying a 5 day furlo extension =most likely not the outcome you are expecting. In fact, don't be surprised if your stats mysteriously get worse.