Open Post
Well blogmaster is noticing that someone clearly has no life to continually post the same words over and over.........
Seriously nothing well worth it is going on, same ol same ol, we have no contract, overtime issues, the chairs are still falling apart, morale is not where it should be, what else is there to write about? So here all is where you can post til your little heart's content. Perhaps someone will bring upon us a topic which we can all write about.......
Seriously nothing well worth it is going on, same ol same ol, we have no contract, overtime issues, the chairs are still falling apart, morale is not where it should be, what else is there to write about? So here all is where you can post til your little heart's content. Perhaps someone will bring upon us a topic which we can all write about.......
At 24 March, 2009 09:54 ,
Anonymous said...
does anyone know why they brought up the sexual harrassment policies in roll call.......just wondering what sparked that?
At 24 March, 2009 14:18 ,
Anonymous said...
heard someone on afternoons hugged and kissed one too many women, or is it the complaintant didn't get a hug or kiss????????
At 24 March, 2009 18:49 ,
Anonymous said...
I am a concerned citizen and I have lots of questions. Does OEMC management pay any attention to the efficiency numbers (% of calls answered within 12 seconds and number of abandoned calls)? Does City Hall know how bad things are? Call takers are too stressed out to work the overtime they are working. Why doesn't someone do something about this? Lives are at stake and call-takers end up looking like the bad guys. Someone needs to speak out!!!!!! Lives and careers are at stake.
Signed me Worried.
At 24 March, 2009 18:51 ,
Anonymous said...
I don't understand how someone can work 1,800 hours of overtime in a year - how does that work?
Are there any SOPs in the OEMC concerning how many consecutive hours someone can work?
At 24 March, 2009 18:52 ,
Anonymous said...
Where is the union in this mess?
At 24 March, 2009 19:48 ,
Anonymous said...
I don't understand how someone can work 1,800 hours of overtime in a year - how does that work?
Hours of overtime pay are computed at time and a half or double time.
An eight hour shift of pay at time and a half is paid at 12hours pay, a double time day is paid at 16hrs pay for an 8 hour day. If you work your double pay day each week for 40 weeks out of the year, 8 times 40 being 320 hours, but being a double day, you get paid 640 hours at regular pay. Consider some people work a double shift on their double pay day and they are being paid 1280 hours extra pay per year for working an extra day off each week for 40 weeks.
At 24 March, 2009 19:50 ,
Anonymous said...
Consider some people work a double shift on their double pay day and they are being paid 1280 hours extra pay per year for working an extra day off each week for 40 weeks.
24 March, 2009 19:48
Not a bad gig if you can get it.
At 24 March, 2009 21:11 ,
Anonymous said...
Is it safe to the public that call takers are working a double shift? Call takers have an extremely stressful job - how can they possibly handle 16 hours of constant stress. Why do the call takers take this????????
When I go into an operating room I want my doc to have had a good night sleep, when I get on an airplane I want the pilot to have had a good night sleep, and when I call 9-1-1 I want the call taker to have had a good night sleep. What am I missing here?
I am not blaming call takers, this is a serious management (or mismanagement) problem.
At 25 March, 2009 00:52 ,
Anonymous said...
Be very careful how you respond to "Worried" it may be used against us all in the future. It seems that city hall is evaluating our jobs. We don't know why!! There is an official survey about our jobs that the city has selected several people on the operations floor to fill out. Ask any of the union stewards. One of them was even chosen to participate in this survey. REMEMBER everything you say here is being read by lots of people you will end up wishing hadn't read it.
At 25 March, 2009 07:24 ,
Anonymous said...
I doubt "Worried" is someone from the city evaulating anything. Sounds more like an Attoney trolling for some background for interragatories(sp?). As for some of the people asked to do the surveys, some of those people are more concerned about when they are suppose to do them and if it's going to cut into their foot patrol time or their break time.
At 25 March, 2009 07:58 ,
Anonymous said...
I hear they're going to renovate the vendateria and actually give us a 24 hour cafeteria. This would be great. Help us stay healthy. Very helpful for the midnight folks. It'a about time they give some thought to the workers.
At 25 March, 2009 09:14 ,
Anonymous said...
I hear they're going to renovate the vendateria and actually give us a 24 hour cafeteria. This would be great. Help us stay healthy. Very helpful for the midnight folks. It'a about time they give some thought to the workers.
25 March, 2009 07:58
Yeah, they're thinking about how they can loosen up some money out of your wallet. You can bet that some politician will have some catering service ready to give them part ownership or some kick back. I'm surprized that the city hasn't started charging the employees 50 dollars a month for the privilage to park in their state of the art security parking lot.
At 25 March, 2009 09:21 ,
Anonymous said...
Man, I have to stop being so negative.
Yeah, it's going to be great not having to pay all that extra money to eat cold delivered [Chinese, Italian, greasy burgers and fries].
Yummmy. I can't wait.
At 25 March, 2009 12:35 ,
Anonymous said...
Do not answer WORRIED. I agree, it is a trolling lawyer.
Also, anyone asked to complete a survey about their position is a fool not to consult with their union people, and I do not mean the stewards. The union has an attorney, he is a goof, but better than nothing. Call the union office.
At 25 March, 2009 12:36 ,
Anonymous said...
25 March, 2009 09:14, state of the art parking lot!! You have made my day! At least there's no ice.....
At 25 March, 2009 13:32 ,
Anonymous said...
To the people who are afraid of Worried - why should we hide the fact that the OEMC is understaffed and that management ignores the problems? If we don't speak out about this problem we become part of the problem.
At 25 March, 2009 14:19 ,
Anonymous said...
25 March, 2009 13:32,
Because the trolling lawyer is not concerned about you or the conditions at OEMC, he is lloking to use you to win his lawsuit.
You, me, all of our coworkers, the union, the white shirts, the hierarchy on the 4th floor and the fucking building engineers all know about the conditions. The only way things can be changed overall is at the negotiating table. Think about it, I said overall. And most of us will opt for more money in our pockets than have the city use the same money for more employees. It is just that way.
At 25 March, 2009 20:15 ,
Anonymous said...
Let me get this straight - all of our coworkers, the union, the white shirts, the hierarchy on the 4th floor and the fucking building engineers all know about the conditions - so we should just shut up about it???? Dude get some stones. I for one will not shut up about it. For me, it's more than the money, hell, I could earn more money in less hours doing a lot less stressful things. What we do is about public safety and the white shirts are putting us at risk. I feel sorry for you.
At 25 March, 2009 22:28 ,
Anonymous said...
25 March, 2009 20:15,
You are a jerk. Keep bitching about it, flapping your gums, shoving more food into your pie hole while you keep bitching. That will do a whole load of good! Ha!You will just get fatter and nothing else will change.
So why waste your time and efforts by bitching, and bitching, and bitching? The only way anything will change is at the bargaining table. Bitching about it will do absolutely no good.
And do not feel sorry for me mother fucker, I feel sorry for your sad ass. You are dumb enough to defend bitching about a problem, instead of actually doing something to solve it. Keep bitching biatch! With dopes like you on our side, we are doomed!
At 26 March, 2009 00:46 ,
Anonymous said...
SCC post 26Mar2009, "Protest March Coming". If it comes to be, let's get a group from OEMC to participate with CPD and get our voices heard!
At 26 March, 2009 07:44 ,
Anonymous said...
For me, it's more than the money, hell, I could earn more money in less hours doing a lot less stressful things.
25 March, 2009 20:15
and 'more than the money' is.....?
At 26 March, 2009 07:48 ,
Anonymous said...
For me, it's more than the money, hell, I could earn more money in less hours doing a lot less stressful things. What we do is about public safety and the white shirts are putting us at risk. I feel sorry for you.
25 March, 2009 20:15
The "White Shirts" are putting you at risk ???????
Who are you crapping?????
You are right,IT IS ABOUT PUBLIC SAFETY but the only people who are putting the public safety at risk are the incompetant boobs that meander through the day on foot patrol complaining that they are "over worked", and, "my ass hurts because we have crappy chairs", or those that complain that
"I'm a d-2 and if they think I'm going to answer phone calls they must be crazy, I'm a dispatcher and I wasn't hired to take no calls. I was hired to put the police in their place and give them jobs cause they don't do nothing anyway, those bastards."
If you can make more money working a less stressful job somewhere else and you still work at oemc, then I feel sorry for you.
At 26 March, 2009 12:00 ,
Anonymous said...
you were hired to be a dispatcher and a call taker, thats why you get paid more, stop thinking youre special cause your a dispatcher , your not and one more thing.... Get a life!!
3rd watch for life..
At 26 March, 2009 12:02 ,
Anonymous said...
First of all..we don't refer to ourselves as D-2's. So whoever you are you gave yourself away right there.
At 26 March, 2009 13:37 ,
Anonymous said...
Let me see . . . "The only way things can be changed overall is at the negotiating table. Think about it, I said overall. And most of us will opt for more money in our pockets than have the city use the same money for more employees. It is just that way."
Are you out of your mind. Do you have any reason to believe that the nitwits from the union can do anything at the "negotiating table." You obviously don't know the reps from the union. They are as useless as tits on a boy.
You go ahead and wait for that big payday to arrive from the "negotiating table." You idiot, they work us to death and you think there will be a payday for us? What are you smoking?
I for one will continue to speak out about the incompetents here with their high school degrees who are putting us and the good people of Chicago at risk.
At 26 March, 2009 17:26 ,
Anonymous said...
Lets go to the protest march with the police the only way the city will take any of us seriously is if we show up in numbers police fire OEMC
At 27 March, 2009 08:08 ,
Anonymous said...
We the Police do not want OEMC to participate in the parade. You guys are a bunch of losers. First of all, the parade will not accomadate your fat asses.
At 27 March, 2009 08:48 ,
Anonymous said...
This is a news Alert........................................
JA is trying to cover up the mess with the CAD disapearing calls. There's a lot more that was not told to Orozco......
At 27 March, 2009 10:42 ,
Anonymous said...
JA gives this entire place a horrible stench. He should take his fat ass and his high school education and go back to loading people onto a stretcher. He makes us all look like a bunch of bumbling idiots.
At 27 March, 2009 11:20 ,
Anonymous said...
To the idiot who thinks that improvements will be made for us at the "negotiating table" . . . "Saying it has been "backed into a corner," the Chicago police department's patrolman's union announced today it will be having an "informational picket" at City Hall next Thursday to protest the lack of a contract."
Do you think our union guys have the stones to do something like this? We just keep getting dumped on, forced to work overtime, and idiots like you think that money is going to rain down on us. You scare me dude.
At 27 March, 2009 11:31 ,
Anonymous said...
At 27 March, 2009 11:40 ,
Anonymous said...
Are calls disappearing? Are you kidding? You don't work here do you? Because you would know that's been a problem for a long time. What can you expect out of a guy like JA?
At 27 March, 2009 11:48 ,
Anonymous said...
To the idiot who thinks progress will be made at the "negotiating table" and to all those who are exhausted and stressed - we need to speak out about this place. We need to let the public know the problem isn't with OCOIs and IIs. The City has budged $3,146,000.00 in overtime for this place and we all know that that isn't sufficient. We need a voice, we need to speak out. If we don't more people will die and more property will be destroyed. Then we will have to listen to the idiot who will tell us that we will get more money at the negotiating table.
Olympics? PLEASE. Staff the OEMC before you think about the Olympics. But then nobody is thinking about the OEMC are they.
At 27 March, 2009 11:49 ,
Anonymous said...
This is interesting, I didn't know JA could now write the software that was determined to be the cause of whatever was happening to calls since the servers were upgraded and that he installed it on the system all by himself. Hmmm, if this is the case then it would seem like he would be solely responsible, however, if it is not the case, well then maybe it is not 100% him.
At 27 March, 2009 11:54 ,
Anonymous said...
I have an idea. How about if we post the answering efficiency stats on OEMC’s web site every day. Let the public see what is happening in here. Before we agree to the Olympics we need to properly staff this place.
Obama wants transparency; let’s show the public our stats. How about if I pass this on to Fran Spielman and see what she thinks!
At 27 March, 2009 11:56 ,
Anonymous said...
You go girl! Fire up the email and let it rip. I'm sure Fran would love everything she could get her hands on.
At 27 March, 2009 13:16 ,
Anonymous said...
Please come out and attend. POLICE FIRE and OEMC need to support EACH OTHER.
The Lodge has been backed into a corner and will participate in informational picketing on Thursday, April 2, 2009 at 11:00 am.
Transportation will be made available for all members who wish to attend. All buses are scheduled to leave the listed locations on Thursday, April 2, 2009 at 9:30 am.
006th District 016th District - Habetler Bowl
008th District Area 3
022nd District Area 4
Area 5
All members will be dropped off at City Hall.
At 27 March, 2009 15:02 ,
Anonymous said...
Oh no! The system should never loose a call just in case McDonalds is out of nuggets and someone called because they can't get their money back. You definitely don't want to be guilty of not sending the police to a call like that
At 27 March, 2009 17:41 ,
Anonymous said...
JA might not write the software, but he tweaks it from home at night! Why does someone who is not in Tech Services need a fully functional CAD console in his house? Why does someone who's not in Investigations need top access to all the logging equipment? Hmmmmm............
JA knows how to insulate himself, so everything was done by his minions under his direction. Those jackasses have no idea what they're doing to begin with, the only saving point is that they are with him. I wonder how many will stay true when the indictments start rolling in?
At 27 March, 2009 18:00 ,
Anonymous said...
JA knows how to insulate himself, so everything was done by his minions under his direction. Those jackasses have no idea what they're doing to begin with, the only saving point is that they are with him. I wonder how many will stay true when the indictments start rolling in?
I've said it before, I'll say it again, nothing will change unless people with some stones cooperate so that the indictments CAN come down. This place is an absolute mess, morale is at an all time low and frankly I am ashamed to work here. We need people who are willing to stand up.
At 27 March, 2009 18:21 ,
Anonymous said...
To the 15:02 person. Why keep tormenting yourself and just get another job. In spite of the fact that we get a lot of nonsense calls, some of us believe we do something important here. It's that one life you save that makes all of the nonsense calls unimportant - but i guess you wouldn't know about that because your too busy complaining - in short, shut your pie hole!
At 27 March, 2009 19:42 ,
Anonymous said...
march with cpd? are you crazy, all you badge followers, they dont want us! you can believe we are all one, but we will always be on the other side to them, believe that!
At 27 March, 2009 21:02 ,
Anonymous said...
To the idiot that keeps talking about the "bargaining table" and being scared by another poster. Listen pussy, the only "formal" manner to address a workforce shortage is at the bargaining table.
You can bitch, complain, cry, march, protest, call Fran Spielman, and scream from the roof, but the fact remains, changes, big changes, can only come as a result of issues that are addressed at the bargaining table.
Now try to wrap your weak brain around some logic. Why do you think the CPD would call a march and a protest? It is to get the city back to the bargaining table. And why do they want the city back at the bargaining table? Because that is where bargaining issues issues are addressed.
Now if you do not hold your union, not the useless stewards, but the union and the bargaining representative, as useless as he is, accountable to negotiate your issues at the bargaining table, you are weaker and dumber than ever. You don't scare me, but it does sadden me that people of your low intelligence are allowed to exist. Now go boo-hoo to whomever and see how much you accomplish. Idiot.
At 27 March, 2009 23:46 ,
Anonymous said...
To 21:02. Just tell me one thing, tell me the last time the IBE got us anything, anything at all. Tell me that and I will shut up.
At 28 March, 2009 08:14 ,
Anonymous said...
Lose weight, then the chairs won't break.
At 28 March, 2009 09:16 ,
Anonymous said...
To the moron who wrote 27 March, 2009 21:02, "the only "formal" manner to address a workforce shortage is at the bargaining table." When did the union last succeed in forcing OEMC to hire additional PCO1s or FCO1s?
And, you have a foul mouth.
At 28 March, 2009 11:21 ,
Anonymous said...
Call fran spielman call frank main call all the news media the union can try and fix the problems but until,the problems hit the media nothing ever gets fixed. I will go march with the CPD we need a fair contract and proper staffing. If your going to bitch behind a computer keyboard the least you can do is show up and support the union that says enough is enough.
At 28 March, 2009 11:24 ,
Anonymous said...
Hey all, want to thank you guys for doing a great job. I'm a P.O. in 015 third watch and wanted to invite anyone that has some free time on Apr. 02 to join us in our info picket in front of city hall at 11:00. We could use the support! For those of you on zone 12, sorry about all those little kids from 025.
At 28 March, 2009 21:25 ,
Anonymous said...
To the moron who wrote 27 March, 2009 21:02, "the only "formal" manner to address a workforce shortage is at the bargaining table." When did the union last succeed in forcing OEMC to hire additional PCO1s or FCO1s?
And, you have a foul mouth.
28 March, 2009 09:16
Stupidity really pisses me off, and you are one stupid cow. You pay the union, why not hold their chestnuts to the fire? And what is your definition of formal? You are a waste of time.
But proving that even a moron can be corrct every now and then, you are right about one thing. So, fuck you asshole.
At 28 March, 2009 21:40 ,
Anonymous said...
Nice language, how does that work for you?
At 29 March, 2009 08:26 ,
Anonymous said...
Hey all, want to thank you guys for doing a great job. I'm a P.O. in 015 third watch and wanted to invite anyone that has some free time on Apr. 02 to join us in our info picket in front of city hall at 11:00. We could use the support! For those of you on zone 12, sorry about all those little kids from 025.
28 March, 2009 11:24 Hey 015, stay out of 025 and eat your ghetto resturant food. Oak Park says they're tired of you guys freeloading. Why do you dispatchers always fall for that travel time crap. They're really just sitting down waiting for their food. You guys chose to work there, so eat there too.
At 29 March, 2009 09:09 ,
Anonymous said...
This is very interesting can the person who wrote this, can someone expand on this ? JA has a fully operational console at his home ?
JA might not write the software, but he tweaks it from home at night! Why does someone who is not in Tech Services need a fully functional CAD console in his house? Why does someone who's not in Investigations need top access to all the logging
At 29 March, 2009 10:47 ,
Anonymous said...
To poster 28 March, 2009 11:21: Anyone making signs? Is a group being organized? A meet place? Can our union supply free bus ride from our parking lot? Or am I just dreaming?
We must be heard too!
At 29 March, 2009 11:01 ,
Anonymous said...
JA might not write the software, but he tweaks it from home at night! Why does someone who is not in Tech Services need a fully functional CAD console in his house? Why does someone who's not in Investigations need top access to all the logging?
This is very interesting. JA lacks the skills and education to have access to a complete CAD console. He has a high school education. The software relies upon complex algorithms - not to mention the complexity of the switches. Calls vanishing? Probable because JA was messing around. Management needs to understand the liabilities they have, and the PCO1s, PCO2s, FCO1s and FCO2s, need to know that they are being made scapegoats.
At 29 March, 2009 13:34 ,
Anonymous said...
From SCC. Does this help us?
Time Due Ruling
The City loses. And maybe loses big:
Chicago Police officers denied their requests to take compensatory time off could be in line for damages at a time when the city is strapped for cash, thanks to a federal appeals court ruling this week.
Denying the city's appeal, the 7th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that the Police Department can no longer cite manpower shortages to indefinitely deny requests from rank-and-file officers to use comp time awarded in lieu of overtime pay.
The Fair Labor Standards Act requires the city to grant comp time requests made with sufficient notice, even if it means calling other officers in on their days off to fill the void. The act applies to time earned above and beyond 11 overtime hours in a four-week period.
What price do you put on missing family birthdays, reunions, baseball games, etc. Mastercard calls them "priceless" and we tend to agree.
But what seems to be missing from this entire article is why would the Department feel the need to deny officers time off that they earned unless the Districts and Watches are so undermanned that they can't put up the cars and officers they need to maintain operations?
The facade continues to crumble, and the media continues to ignore the increasingly obvious fact that we are shorthanded, dangerously shorthanded, and will continue to be for the foreseeable future.
At 29 March, 2009 13:50 ,
Anonymous said...
To poster 28 March, 2009 11:21: Anyone making signs? Is a group being organized? A meet place? Can our union supply free bus ride from our parking lot? Or am I just dreaming?
We must be heard too!
29 March, 2009 10:47 I hope you guys step on your d*cks. Perhaps this will do a cleanzing of your ranks.
At 29 March, 2009 18:16 ,
Anonymous said...
The 1,800 hours of overtime represents a built-in fabrication for the disbursement of payroll ghosts and slush funding. Tip of the iceberg.
At 29 March, 2009 21:41 ,
Anonymous said...
Are you saying that Archie Tiner didn't work 1,800 hours overtime?
At 30 March, 2009 20:49 ,
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Are you saying that Archie Tiner didn't work 1,800 hours overtime?
29 March, 2009 21:41
Was that before or after the police were doing a search warrant at his house??
At 30 March, 2009 23:01 ,
Anonymous said...
One does wonder how anyone could possibly work the number of hours that he clocks.
At 31 March, 2009 08:16 ,
Anonymous said...
So which one of you spilled their drink on the radio councel shorting it out? Did you flaming hot chips short out the mic?
At 02 April, 2009 21:10 ,
Anonymous said...
At 03 April, 2009 09:56 ,
Anonymous said...
For those who are so unhappy at the OEMC...please do us all a favor and quit. Go elsewhere and be happy, especially if you can find a higher paying job with less stress. All the complaining, what have you contributed to any solution?
At 07 April, 2009 22:51 ,
Anonymous said...
Subpoenas? Has anyone seen any subpoenas around here?
At 25 June, 2009 20:47 ,
Anonymous said...
MRSA! MRSA! MRSA! Whats next???
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