Lets Talk Chi Town 911

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Let's go for number 3!

I guess I happen to be on a roll when it comes to fixing what is broken. See in my opinion a good company takes care of their workers. I must say those consoles are in some bad shape! The opening for the garbage on Zone 12 still doesnt do the job, the smell and junk is always exposed. Most, if not all of the consoles keyboard support doesn't stay up , they droop down. Zone 5 still has lights that never shut off. Some zones do not have working heat. Some zones and call taking consoles don't even have that extra extension for your wrist's support. And when was the last time you saw a cleaning crew come in to clean them?

Chairs, please new chairs

Speaking of impressing the big bosses on Superbowl, wouldn't it be just wonderful if we were able to enjoy new chairs that actually work. Just looking at the condition of our chairs and I really wonder, were they just cheap chairs or is someone secretly throwing them up against a wall or talking a chomp out of the arm rests. Really, think of it , those chairs haven't been on the floor that long. Oh well, anyway do you think we can get some working chairs?

We could've done it ourselves!

Ok it has been discussed before on Let's Talk, and it needs to be brought up again. What is going on with this carpet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One can only imagine what is going to happen if they ever decide to go in a room with new carpeting. Wasn't this just the hallway? So this week it is supposed to be done, hmmm just in time for the big wigs and the Superbowl! I wonder, just wonder if that is why we can't walk on it, could it be they want the big bosses to be impressed?

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Fill in the blank

It's time to play our once in awhile fun game called , Fill in the blank, so let's go!
If we were able to _____________________at work, I would be much , much happier!
If only that police officer would________________it would make my job alot easier!

Monday, January 22, 2007

The Magic Carpet

Can someone tell us why it is taking a week to install a carpet or pieces of carpet?

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Management please read this!

We, the undersigned blog posters would like to bring to managements' attention some realistic ( please keep it realistic) wishes for a more pleasureable, comforting, and overall happy work environment. While we won't offend anyone , we just wish that some of these suggestions are read and maybe even taken.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

I have to say this

Ok, ok so nobody is perfect right? But I really can't resist writing about this. This is a ticket, a real ticket that was taken by one of our call takers. It was made a disturbance. In the remarks sections it read, "f/b/f, stick, red p/s/j, mentel, waking street , calar do think she crazy."
Now someone correct me if I am wrong, and if I am I really do apologize. Aren't these official documents that can be used just about anywhere? Please, please calltaker and dispatcher/police officer acting as calltaker, please brush up on your spelling, grammar and abbreviation skills! I think I was more embarrassed than the person who wrote that "ticket." This just isn't right! P.S. It was later discovered that f/b/f meant fat black female, p/s/j meant red pants, shoes and jacket and she was walking in the street with a stick.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Do we have to?

Here is a very interesting topic, callbacks! Do we really have to callback the citizen? I mean really if you call the police you should be waiting out in front, looking out the window, or you would think. I recall two incidents in which I thought to myself there really should be no callbacks. One incident takes me back to the old room in which a woman had called police because she said she had been burglarized. Ok bt XXXX gets there and no Mrs. Doe, I call back and Mrs. Doe answers the phone after 10 rings. I ask Mrs. Doe if she called the police and she tells me, "Oh are they here, I jumped in the shower?" Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!! The second incident takes me back just months ago when bt XXXX asks for a callback for a domestic. I call back Mr Doe and ask him if he has called the police. Mr Doe tells me , "yes I did and i was wondering when they were going to get out of their car down the street to come see me." Hmmm , so lets's hear from both sides, should we or shouldn't we make those callbacks?

Friday, January 05, 2007

Innocent joke?--not at this place

So it turns out our kitchen police won't be working after all. The 2nd watch were informed in their roll call that the camera was a joke by "Ernie." Who is Ernie? Does Ernie know that anywhere else it would be funny, but not at the OEMC. All it did was bring some more buzz around the room. So sorry Ernie , well we give you some applause for trying to make us laugh, it just didn't work that way, at least not for most of us. Now, can someone please address the parking lot issue, midnights has to put up with people flying into work on their way out, days has to put up with afternoon personnel just leaving their cars anywhere, literally. Afternoons has to deal with having no parking spot because everyone parks in that lot. What happened to you can only park there if you are employed there. If you are there for in service training, coming to pick up a check (Tmas), coming to take a tour, or interview it should be stated that they cannot park in the lot. There is plenty of on street parking for the public and guess what it's been so nice lately. Is it going to take an accident for someone to put their foot down?

Monday, January 01, 2007


Chicago Dispatch tells us that numerous suspensions are forthcoming and as soon as the end of this month or next month. Well, well like that isn't a surprise! Another reason why our management is so screwed up. Reason why I say that is because half of these suspensions come from CI's that were researched, reviewed by our "Complaint Section." They were unfounded and then passed to management where they were "reopened", overuled and the days were slapped on 'em! Now that is just wrong! Why even have a team of employees investigating CI's? What a big slap in the face to them! It's like saying they have no say, no brain to make a good judgement. Most importantly, what happened to the process we read about years ago. Somebody has to have that order. It was a program implemented to help the employee that received a CI understand their mistake and help them understand policy so that it doesn't happen again and turn into suspension days. This is OEMC's problem, they are so quick to stick it to their employees, the employees they say are doing such a great job. Want to thank us for the great job we are doing , how bout stand behind us for once, just once instead of messing with people's money, lives and job!