Train the trainer?
Really, if you are not a competent calltaker, please do us all a favor and NOT volunteer to train someone. If you constantly send over half made tickets, ie. putting dup or calling again or checking status in the remarks box, you are not a competent calltaker. If you send over tickets that do not make sense, you are not a competent calltaker. Not trying to knock anyone, really but please ask yourself can I share good calltaking abilities or should I probably not do this?
At 12 September, 2008 23:46 ,
Anonymous said...
Most of the people who will be training the new hires are NOT volunteers! They are being forced to do the job.
At 13 September, 2008 10:05 ,
Anonymous said...
forced? read your contract. you are not forced. you just cannot refuse. so train them as best you can, otherwise, you will be doing their work in the future because they will not know how.
At 13 September, 2008 22:08 ,
Anonymous said...
Umm, if you cannot refuse, that means you are being forced to do it. I even know the difference, and I went to a public school!!
At 13 September, 2008 23:06 ,
Anonymous said...
Hopefully 10:05 was being sarcastic, because really, NO ONE should be that stupid. Public school or not! ha ha ha ha ha ha
At 13 September, 2008 23:53 ,
Anonymous said...
our representatives negotiated the contract, and then we voted on it. if we are fulfilling a contractual obligation, are we being forced? saying we are being forced is kind of like saying we are being forced to go to work and the the city is being forced to give us a paycheck for the work we perform. both parties are fulfilling a contractual obligation. now forced labor per a contractual obligation about covers it, but simply saying we are being forced conjurs thoughts of us being indentured servants.
p.s. yes, it was sarcasm. and I was home schooled by my nilf.
At 14 September, 2008 13:47 ,
Anonymous said...
seriously, what is wrong w putting DUPE or LOOKING FOR ETA in a dup ticket? as a calltaker, there really isnt much more to add because generally you are so busy listening to that person yell about why cpd isnt there yet that there isnt MORE to get from callers. as a dispatcher i appreciate that there isnt much more to supplement the original ticket with--a real pain. and i try to think that if i get additional calls the 1ST calltaker did their job and already got all the information.
At 14 September, 2008 23:24 ,
Anonymous said...
The big deal is you arent suppossed to do it..i believe they teach you first thing to treat every call as if its the first just don't want to ask the questions again because the caller will yell at you? tough shit. you tell the call (and yes i know because i used to be a call taker) i know you called before but this the first time ive talked to you and i need to ask some questions.
At 15 September, 2008 09:13 ,
Anonymous said...
or at least put in the ticket the reason they are calling.....caller req eta for police on dd with husband she will be in front. that at least tells the dispatcher what is going on.....sometimes the original gets coded and the second one comes in as dupe no addtl info and no name.....we have to find out what the original was and so on, on a busy zone it takes a minute too long to get that info. you should treat each call as if it was the first one and don't take for granted that the first call taker did their job right. or you will be the one to blame when the info comes over wrong. just do your job and stop being lazy.
At 15 September, 2008 16:05 ,
Anonymous said...
no don't even put caller checking on eta! just take the info as it were a new call! Is it that hard? The caller shouldn't be getting eta's in the first place. The calltaker shouldnt take time to do their own investigating on why they are calling. The calltaker should control the call, not the citizen. And if all else fails at least put in there, tried to get new info, caller was irrate and hung up, the end. Really when you think of it, it's for your own good, these events can be used in court and how would you like to be called to court on a domestic that turned fatal and the lawyer asks you the calltaker instead of trying to get some info why did you put "dupe" in the ticket???????????
At 15 September, 2008 21:53 ,
Anonymous said...
I know a trainig class just recently started but does anyone know when will the next one start?
At 17 September, 2008 12:21 ,
Anonymous said...
Does anybody stay in touch with Linda J. ? I know A.S. did, but he's gone, too. Not to put too much info on the blog, but there was a picture of retirees at a station closing yesterday, Tuesday, and her other half was absent. He worked there for over 25years and people were looking to talk to him. Please pass it along. Thanks. I hope they are okay and just out of town?
At 19 September, 2008 09:29 ,
Anonymous said...
To the dispatcher who is bitching about dup tickets being sent with eta on the ticket, requesting that a call taker not assume anything about the initial call taker, you should get the fuck off your high horse, take some calls, so that you will better equipped to make a intelligent comment on this blog. You idiot, many times, the same caller gets the call again from the same caller. You dispatchers are so self-centered you have no clue as to what call-takers go through and the reason eta come over to the dispatchers...
At 19 September, 2008 09:40 ,
Anonymous said...
eta is never good to put in the remarks by has nothing to do with you being a call taker or dispatcher...its not us against you. even when im call taking and i get the same caller again.....i at least say what they are calling for and now looking for eta......that's just the way it should be. so stop your bitching and do your job!
At 19 September, 2008 15:15 ,
Anonymous said...
well guess what most of us dispatchers were calltakers first, duh!!!!!! You come on our side and be busy as hell only to get a ticket that says , "dupe" or same as #2334, and see if on zone 8, you have time to look for the dupe , handle the hourly chase, answer the phone, run plates and names, even with a partner, run that event number and dispatch jobs, all we are asking , is please treat every call like a first time call whether you talked to them first or suzy smith talked to them first
At 19 September, 2008 22:08 ,
Anonymous said...
19 September, 2008 15:15,
u, how about using suzy jones? suzy smith did the unthinkable.
At 20 September, 2008 08:59 ,
Anonymous said...
Why can't you refuse calls like the fire dept. does? You know, those calls about disrepectful kids, make my son/daughter do his/her homework etc......You'll hear on the air a job about a "man down" and fire is refusing. So why should we go to such nonsense jobs?
At 23 September, 2008 03:30 ,
Anonymous said...
20 September, 2008 08:59,
CFD takes on the liability by refusing. It isn't OEMC refusing, it is CFD. Now, try and find somebody in CPD that will take on that burden of liability. Good luck. And OEMC is not going to take the burden for CPD, an organization that throws us under the bus ASAP as soon as it suits their purpose. Oh no brother, oh no sister, the jobs get dispatched, it is up to CPD to do what they will with them. And someday, the city will get burned big time because of that refusing shit by CFD, and watch things change pronto!
At 24 September, 2008 13:53 ,
Anonymous said...
Little OT..
Who was that MORON on zone 12 3rd watch on 23 September. The regular guy said she was an elderly woman recently promoted to Dispatcher.
Holy F***!!!!!!!! Without a tip nor a clue - by far the worst person to EVER be on the air!! Not a clue as to what anyone one was doing or asking about, not a clue as to how to check LIQ. Cars holding themselves down b/c they have no vehicle and 30 seconds later tries to give them a job again. Stacked an I.P. job to a car trying to take a personal.
I understand your jobs are stressful and not easy. And if it's a hoppin' zone things can get nutty. But, please... if you are unsure of your skills, don't take such a vital position. Someone is going to get hurt due to such incompetance.
I know your building is an OSHA wet dream. But, please know this. We have NO cars. Beat cars are down, few if any pool cars available. The PDT's are dying at a record pace and they are NOT being repaired nor replaced. Our radio batteries rarely make it through a tour. Digital, my ass. The sound quality is poor on a good day. Put someone on the other end who refuses to up their volume and it creates utter mayhem.
We know the call volume is through the roof. Just put in the backlog and read out the IP jobs in the event someone is in the area.
The City doesn't give a crap about any of us. That doesn't mean we have to give up on each other.
We all 'play the radio' sometimes. You know that, and we know you do too. But, by & large, unless you're a K.McG., the officers on your zone try to help you and you do the same. We all need to do the best we can with what we've got. If your organizational skills are lacking, please go back to calltaking.
At 04 October, 2008 22:52 ,
Anonymous said...
if its any consolation I work in a suburban dispatch center and the training there is just as bad...keep your heads up and take care of each other!
At 28 November, 2008 23:14 ,
Anonymous said...
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