History is made
Congratulations to Chicago's own, new president Obama! While I am happy for our new president and look forward to his time in office. I am so so glad this is all over! Onward we move and at the OEMC, it's time to slow down , business wise, we hope. Time to decide the fate of fellow employees with their promotion, shift and furlough for the year 2009! Here's hoping that all will go as smooth as possible.
At 08 November, 2008 14:32 ,
Anonymous said...
Allah be praised! An Arab has won the Whitehouse!
At 08 November, 2008 19:05 ,
Anonymous said...
thank you for your post you racist prick. the better man won the White House seat. did you really want that crazy old man to have access to the button? I mean really, my father is 66 and I don't want him near the fucking remote for the t.v. a regular guy from a working class backgroud is in the top spot now. let's see what he can do before bashing him.
At 08 November, 2008 22:36 ,
Anonymous said...
19:05, are you saying we should wait before breaking out the fried chicken and watermelon?
At 08 November, 2008 22:54 ,
Anonymous said...
08 November, 2008 19:05
Blow me.
At 09 November, 2008 00:01 ,
Anonymous said...
such ignorance......................
At 09 November, 2008 02:27 ,
Anonymous said...
I thought this was suppossed to be about furlo/watch picks???? which rumors are swirling about that they will find a new way to screw us.. suppossedly the new SPCO's will start training Dec 1st, but they aren't telling anyone or making that official..sooooo..boys and girls for anyone not following..that means they will pick a watch and furlo with the rest of us...then will get promoted and those furlo spots will be vacant since they will repick as a supervisor....so if new supervisor a picks a full 7th or 8th period...then gets promoted and repicks with the supervisor..NO PCO2 will get a full 7th. Don't think M.D isn't fully aware of this either.....it's just another way to screw us.
At 09 November, 2008 09:29 ,
Anonymous said...
When will we ever see real qualified persons running for president? Look at the choice that was on the ballot this time. Boring! The republican party should just close its doors. Nothing but goofs.
At 09 November, 2008 09:32 ,
Anonymous said...
How does 14:32 become a racist statement? He is an Arab isn't he? Or is it only his blackness the black folks see? Talk about racist. Sounds like more Tiger Woods crap to me......
At 09 November, 2008 11:25 ,
Anonymous said...
no, he's not an Arab. This kind of ignorance seems to be prevalent among people who voted for McCain.
O's father is Kenyan, and his mother was from Kansas (her ancestors even owned slaves).
If you want, I can find you a world map on the internet, and perhaps you can explain how Kenya could be considered arab.
At 09 November, 2008 12:54 ,
Anonymous said...
oh relax, everyone is forgetting Obama is half white!!!!!!!!!!!
So get over it, he isn't 100 percent African American so why the big hoopla over he is the first, or the first here, the first there, etc...
At 09 November, 2008 13:30 ,
Anonymous said...
Blacks only see the blackness in one's genes. Unless he's a freak or crook, then he's a white guy.
At 10 November, 2008 01:27 ,
Anonymous said...
History is made every time we elect a new president., not just THIS time.
People seem to forget that.
At 10 November, 2008 07:57 ,
Anonymous said...
Why all these hyphenated Americans? Can't one be proud to be just an American anymore? How many African hyphenated Americans can tell you where in Africa they are from? Most other countries just look at you as Americans, nothing else.
At 10 November, 2008 09:25 ,
Anonymous said...
Wow! I could see if any of these posters with regards to Obama's heritage actually had a point to make. THEY DON'T!
It doesn't matter if he was an arab, muslim, black, white or pink with purple polka dots. He is the person that won the electoral vote and the popular vote, nationwide!
So you people have a choice, you can hunker down and watch how the next 4yrs play out or you can pack ya bags, grab ya family and run for the hills of Mexico or Canada.
The choice is yours!
Now can me move on to something else???!!!
At 10 November, 2008 10:23 ,
Anonymous said...
If I lived through the days of Jimmie Carter, I can survive Obama.
At 10 November, 2008 11:50 ,
Anonymous said...
--It doesn't matter if he was an arab, muslim, black, white or pink with purple polka dots. He is the person that won the electoral vote and the popular vote, nationwide!--
This ain't too bright. Of course it matters, or his campaign would not have spent half of the last 12 months explaining that he was christian and not muslim.
At 10 November, 2008 20:12 ,
Anonymous said...
This ain't too bright. Of course it matters, or his campaign would not have spent half of the last 12 months explaining that he was christian and not muslim.
10 November, 2008 11:50
You ain't too bright......This only mattered because of his name. Not because of his religion. But I am gonna leave this alone, I am not gonna help you idiots beat the dead horse. I am gonna stand on what I said earlier......You can
A) Pack ya shit and git.
B) Get ready for the next 4 yrs.
At 10 November, 2008 20:45 ,
Anonymous said...
B) Get ready for the next 4 yrs.
10 November, 2008 20:12
And by get ready, you mean bend over, grab your ankles, and try not to wimper too loud when you feel the gnarly end of the Democratic liberal night stick! Good luck with that!
At 10 November, 2008 23:10 ,
Anonymous said...
--You ain't too bright......This only mattered because of his name. Not because of his religion.--
Again, this ain't too bright. And apparently you aren't too well informed. Obama was born to a muslim father, and lived as a youth in the world's most populous muslim nation (Indonesia). That's why it was an issue.
--But I am gonna leave this alone, I am not gonna help you idiots beat the dead horse. I am gonna stand on what I said earlier......--
I'm ready for the next four years. I voted for him. What I'm pointing out for your benefit is that ignoring the question of Obama's religion would have been just as helpful to Democrats as ignoring the issues of mishandling Iraq and the economy were to the Republicans. This is why the question was not buried by the Obama campaign. If it didn't matter, they wouldn't have done everything they could to assuage Americans that he wasn't a muslim.
And if more Americans were comfortable with this assurance, the election would have been an even greater landslide. But not everybody is bright.
At 11 November, 2008 00:12 ,
Anonymous said...
You want to talk about an election landslide, look at Reagan vs. Carter in 1980: Reagan 489 electoral votes to Carter's 49. Or even better, Reagan vs. Mondale in 1984: Reagan 525 electoral votes to Mondale's 13. THAT is a landslide.
At 11 November, 2008 10:03 ,
Anonymous said...
Just got my Sprint bill:
Federal-Univ Serv Assess Non-LD $2.12
Administrative Charge $2.25
Regulatory Charge $0.60
Illinois State-Sales Tax $1.32
Cook County-Sales Tax $0.36
Chicago City-911 Taxes $7.50
Chicago City-If Appl &State Excise Tax $7.79
Chicago City-Sales Tax $0.48
Chicago City-Utility Tax $7.25
= $29.67 in taxes and fees.
Wow... thanks democrats... I needed it broke off in my ass because my life just isn't hard enough!
11/11/2008 03:06:00 AM
At $7.50 a month per cell phone for the 911 tax, do you think we can afford to hire a few more people?
At 11 November, 2008 12:07 ,
Anonymous said...
Several things you probably don't know about Obama:
-He ate dog meat, snake meat, and roasted grasshopper while living in Indonesia **YUM**
-He visited Wokingham, Berks, in 1996 for the stag party of his half-sister's fiancé, but left when a stripper arrived **DOESN'T LIKE STRIPPERS??**
-He doesn't drink coffee and rarely drinks alcohol **HOW CAN YOU TRUST SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T DRINK?**
-As a teenager he took drugs including marijuana and cocaine **GO FIGURE**
At 11 November, 2008 22:43 ,
Anonymous said...
Obama and State of Illinois Veteran's Affairs Director Tammy Duckworth placed a flower wreath in front of the Veteran's Memorial at Soldier Field today, Veteran's Day.
On her outer garment, Ms. Duckworth was proudly wearing an oversized lapel pin of the American flag composed of glittering red, white and blue rhinestones. It was beautiful and appeared to be approximately 4" across and 2" high. There was no doubt that Ms. Duckworth wanted to display her patriotism. On the other hand, Obama wore no pin of any kind or size on his outer garment as he placed the wreath.
Ms. Duckworth, a War Veteran, recognizes the value of displaying the American Flag at the Veteran's Memorial. Our soon to be Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States of America, President-elect B. Hussein Obama, does not have the common sense or desire to display the same American Flag.
How sad. The people that voted for this man have no idea what they have done in electing him as our President and rejecting War Hero John McCain. How very sad.
At 12 November, 2008 08:24 ,
Anonymous said...
Ever notice that "Duckworth" will put on those pole legs when on TV. See does own a set which looks just like real legs, but hey, she wants you to feel sorry for her.
At 12 November, 2008 08:44 ,
Anonymous said...
who cares if he had a pin........shut the hell up.......i voted obama cuz i didn't want palin anywhere near the white house......stupidest female i have ever heard speak. and we didn't even really get a chance to hear her speak because they hid her for most of the election from interviews. Obama is president get over it! Mc Cain is a great war hero but he must be stupid to pick Palin for a running mate.
At 12 November, 2008 23:07 ,
Anonymous said...
but hey, she wants you to feel sorry for her.
12 November, 2008 08:24
Not only is that a fucked up thing to say, it is untrue. The look-alike legs are cosmetic and present a nicer appearance for a woman when she is in a wheel chair, but they are not for walking. The unattractive metal stick legs are made for walking. You owe her an apology you petty asshole.
At 12 November, 2008 23:20 ,
Anonymous said...
who cares if he had a pin........shut the hell up.......i voted obama.
12 November, 2008 08:44
1-watch what he does, not what he says.
2-fuck you.
3-you are a fool.
At 13 November, 2008 06:17 ,
Anonymous said...
It is sad...some of these comments show that Chicago is still the most racist city on earth. What are the racists going to do when they find out that Jesus Christ was a "man of color"? He was born and raised in Bethlehelm, Judea, Jerusalem etc...his skin color was probably darker than Obama.
At 13 November, 2008 08:49 ,
Anonymous said...
Then Duckworth could wear pants, eh? She's just playing the sorry card....
At 13 November, 2008 09:56 ,
Anonymous said...
You know what, she doesn't have to play the sorry card. Everyone knows what she gave up FIGHTING FOR HER COUNTRY. You people are truly pathetic. Maybe she wanted to remind people like you what yesterday was really about because it sure wasn't suppossed to be about how much overtime someone could make.
At 13 November, 2008 15:05 ,
Anonymous said...
12 November, 2008 23:20
1. i have
2. no thanks
3. ur the fool....just cuz someone is a great war hero....good hockey mom does not make them fit for presidency. we will see in the upcoming years who the fool is.
At 13 November, 2008 18:06 ,
Anonymous said...
we will see in the upcoming years who the fool is.
13 November, 2008 15:05
Yes, we certainly will see. Unfortunately, we must, because idiots like you voted for a former dope smoker, cocaine sniffer, domestic terrorist coddler, ultra-liberal that believes in full term abortions. How sad.
And as far as the economy, read up on the Jimmy Carter years and you will see your future. You need to know where you have been to know where you are going.
At 13 November, 2008 21:54 ,
Anonymous said...
18:06, maybe come back and let us know how you feel once you receive your next pension summary.
pensions are getting killed these days with the stock and bond markets. debt on the market from places like Chicago or utility companies is lucky to find a buyer at 8.75% or 9.00% the past few months.
Chicago employees are going to be lucky if their pensions are available at retirement, thanks to the economy.
McCain renounced none of the Republican policies, or the recent moves to socialize private market losses on the backs of taxpayers.
And Bush and company have destroyed the Republican party.
Good luck hanging on to your dreams buddy. Hope you have a Plan B, not to mention a Plan C, Plan D, and Plan E!
At 13 November, 2008 22:17 ,
Anonymous said...
Good luck hanging on to your dreams buddy. Hope you have a Plan B, not to mention a Plan C, Plan D, and Plan E!
13 November, 2008 21:54
If you would just check your facts. This mess all started with the Carter administration. And a Congress that has been mostly controlled by the Democrats since the Carter administration did not want to fix it because a fix would negatively impact their constituants and, in turn, the votes of their constituants would negatively impact the Democrats. McCain was the lone voice, two years ago, attempting to draw attention to the mortgage mess. His efforts were stonewalled by the Democrats.
And the newcasts are now reporting that the domestic terrorist Bill Ayres has admitted to being a family friend of the Messiah. That means Obama lied about his connection with Ayres. Great. Just great.
At 13 November, 2008 23:42 ,
Anonymous said...
22:17, if you aren't on drugs you should start, and if you are, you should quit.
The national debt has more than doubled in 8 years of Bush. The Fed's balance sheet has expanded from 800 billion to 2 trillion plus in 6 months to fix the damage.
Why? Well let's start with two wars, Bush tax cuts, and a GET THIS Republican Congress from 2000-2006 that raised not a voice in protest save Ron Paul.
The FDIC has barely begun to seize insolvent banks. You know which branch the FDIC belongs to? Guess maybe they don't want to scare people like you into reality.
Before this year, average loss rates on FDIC seizures were 13% of assets. Today you are seeing 40-55% loss on asset ratios at seized banks. What does this tell you? I know, I know, you haven't had time to think about it. So I'll tell you what it tells you.
The FDIC (Bush's FDIC) ain't even beginning to seize insolvent financial institutions. They are letting the losses build and hoping that they won't build.
And why would we think otherwise, after Bush bailed out AIG, Bear Stearns, WaMu, and IndyMac, and after Bush nationalized Freddie and Fannie.
Did I mention that nationalizing Freddie and Fannie takes an additional 5 trillion in liabilities onto our potential national debt?
Congress did not make Bush do any of this. A Republican congress did nothing to stop the housing bubble that peaked in 2006.
You might hate Daley and Stroger, and that's fine by me.
But you don't have a clue what you are talking about when you whitewash the responsibility of the Bush administration and congressional Republicans in all of this.
At 14 November, 2008 10:28 ,
Anonymous said...
Wow. I have never read this blog until someone told me to, reference this post. I shall never read it again. To think, I sit next to these brains that harbor such comments, on a daily basis. We aren't doomed by the president elect Obama, we are doomed by the stunted growth of the American people's brain power or lack thereof. I feel sorry for anyone that spends so much time relishing in thoughts of hatred and racism. Your heart is charred and your brain matches. Love it or hate it, BARACK OBAMA IS YOUR PRESIDENT, and for the person that mentioned if "she" could live through Carter, hell, if you could live through Bush, we don't have to go back that far?! Lol. I feel sorry for the emptiness of your lives, no wonder you guys always seem angry, bitter, and blue!
At 14 November, 2008 12:01 ,
Anonymous said...
.....hell, if you could live through Bush, we don't have to go back that far?! Lol. I feel sorry for the emptiness of your lives, no wonder you guys always seem angry, bitter, and blue!
14 November, 2008 10:28
LOL your fat ass, you judgeMENTAL cow! You insult people and then expect them to laugh with you!? Screw you!
And, goodbye, I'll be just fine without your future continued participation in the blog.
But, before you go, always remember, B. Hussein Obama, the unpatriotic, domestic terrorist coddling, believer in full term abortions, might be your president, but he is not mine, and never will be my president. He has not earned, nor will he get, my respect.
However, to now, he's done just fine without my help, of which I am PROUD to write it is WITHOUT my help, but he has only fooled most of the people some of the time, especially this time, but he will never be able to fool all of the people all of the time.
At 14 November, 2008 12:07 ,
Anonymous said...
wowza, the post above is angry!! perhaps you should go back to the bar and smoke some cigs and calm down!? lmao.
At 14 November, 2008 12:09 ,
Anonymous said...
22:17, if you aren't on drugs you should start, and if you are, you should quit.
But you don't have a clue what you are talking about when you whitewash the responsibility of the Bush administration and congressional Republicans in all of this.
13 November, 2008 23:42
Fuck you and your drugs. We can argue all day long about who fed the monstor known as the mortgage crisis, however, it is irrefutable that the monstor was birthed by the Democrats. Aside from the debt incurred by two wars, the entire financial mess leads to their door.
At 14 November, 2008 12:12 ,
Anonymous said...
wowza, the post above is angry!! lmao.
14 November, 2008 12:07
Stick the wowza in your ass. Is that angry enough for you?
At 14 November, 2008 12:15 ,
Anonymous said...
lmao. wowza times infinity!
At 14 November, 2008 17:03 ,
Anonymous said...
Irrefutable? You are the main character in your own cartoon.
You recognize this address?
Guess what it says there:
"The President also announced the goal of increasing the number of minority homeowners by at least 5.5 million families before the end of the decade. Under his leadership, the overall U.S. homeownership rate in the second quarter of 2004 was at an all time high of 69.2 percent. Minority homeownership set a new record of 51 percent in the second quarter, up 0.2 percentage point from the first quarter and up 2.1 percentage points from a year ago."
Maybe you weren't paying attention to this, nor to the 5 trillion increase in debt and 5 trillion additional increase in liabilities. Maybe not to the decrease in civil liberties. Maybe not to the 4000 dead and 30000 wounded Americans in Iraq after the Mission was Accomplished! Maybe not to the ceaseless chorus of Afghanistan-campaign NATO leaders calling for more troops that the U.S. was unable to provide over the last 5 years.
Turn off the cartoons kid. Watch what happens in the real world before you come here mouthing off about what is irrefutable to you.
I can only picture what words will appear in the bubble over your colorful persona next.
At 14 November, 2008 21:53 ,
Anonymous said...
I can only picture what words will appear in the bubble over your colorful persona next.
14 November, 2008 17:03
And the mortgage mess all magically occurred starting on January 20th, 2001? Be real! Besides, you have exposed yourself as just an angry, angry ultra liberal. There is no reasoning with your manic personality, so take your meds or smoke a little weed to calm yourself, and just say goodbye.
At 14 November, 2008 22:56 ,
Anonymous said...
--And the mortgage mess all magically occurred starting on January 20th, 2001?--
Nope, its all the democrats fault, just like you said. You didn't realize Bush was really a democrat in sheep's clothing til I showed that to you?
--Besides, you have exposed yourself as just an angry, angry ultra liberal.--
Son, I'm the only conservative in this conversation. Please, just say something right for one second.
I voted for Obama as the best between of two far-from-perfect choices. Somebody has to have a plan to pay back 10 trillion in debt, and that hasn't been something considered by Republicans since Reagan started running it up (for good reason at the time).
If you see anything of Reagan or Newt Gingrich in John McCain or Dubya/Cheney etc., you are as easily duped and confused as you appear in this thread.
Half of the real leading independent conservatives in this country voted for Obama. You just don't know it because you don't know who they are, and wouldn't recognize them if they ran you over.
Google Christopher Buckley if you want to start seeing where you went wrong. He is the heir to one of the leading true conservatives of the last 50 years, and he was one of numerous among us (real conservatives) who plugged our noses and voted Obama.
Read for a few months and get back to me kid. There's lots of learning you need to get your head straight. Lucky for you ya have this internet thing.
At 15 November, 2008 00:11 ,
Anonymous said...
Half of the real leading independent conservatives in this country voted for Obama.
and he was one of numerous among us (real conservatives) who plugged our noses and voted Obama.
14 November, 2008 22:56
And the other half voted for McCain. So, your point?
Christopher is still unsettled from having lost his Father so he isn't thinking too straight and is a poor example for you to cite.
And thanks for bringing the stink with you, but you might as well unplug your proboscis and get use to the smell, because it is only going to get worse, thanks to you and your like kind.
Smell ya later weirdo.
At 15 November, 2008 09:18 ,
Anonymous said...
You really don't have anything substantive to say, do you?
I'll be laughing as you screech while being taxed more to pay for what the government has been spending all along. People like you are the real welfare queens, borrowing from your kids and grandkids to pay for your retirement and health care and shrieking like little girls when asked to pay for it.
Its never a problem with you people until the bill comes due.
And that is not conservative. Its welfare.
The only people left in the Republican party are the welfare queens.
At 15 November, 2008 13:20 ,
Anonymous said...
15 November, 2008 09:18
Since you have a penchant for cartoon references, riddle me this one Batliberal, exactly how in your small brain does your vote for B. Hussein Obama make things better?
His riding high in the D.C. is going to bring higher and higher taxes, cut and run in defeat and disgrace on the warfronts, full-term abortions and the stem cells used for experimentation, and Cornell West on the Supreme Court, all to assuage your white guilt, guilt that is not even a legitimate liability of present-day Caucasian people, or bring your brother in skin tone into the Blanco Casa or the White Crib just because it made the dream come true.
Oh, please! If that all adds up to conservsatism, William F. is not rolling over, he's spinning over and over in the grave.
At 15 November, 2008 13:45 ,
Anonymous said...
Wow, you still have nothing substantive to say, but at least you are asking questions. Its a start son, its a start.
The way it works is this. See if it sounds familiar.
Social security is a ponzi scheme. City workers tend not to recognize what social security costs people in the private sector. Right now employees pay 7.65%, and employers match the 7.65%, to yield a grand total of 15.3% of pre-tax income for each worker dedicated to FICA taxes.
When social security started in 1937, that percentage was 1%. It was raised 5 times or so until the early 90s, to compensate for the fact that people are living older.
Problem is, nobody wants to cut back social security, but nobody wants to increase funding for it. So there is a huge budgetary hole from it.
Similarly medicaid/medicare.
The Republican party after Newt played dumb. Some of them (YOU!) are very good at it, or maybe you are this dumb. This explains why you can't discuss issues at any level of intelligence. But I digress.
So Obama comes in and promises to finally address the structural deficits we've been running. How? He will increase taxes.
Now as a conservative, this is exactly what I want. Why?
Because A. we should be paying now for what we are buying now. I know, I know, the detritus of the Republican party is those who weren't taught this as children, and thus we get the Lord of the Flies mentality among the pretend "conservatives" left over there.
More importantly, when taxes are raised, the backlash begins. Ultimately, we get to the point where social security benefits are reined in.
THIS is what us conservatives want.
The knucklehead portion of the party was willing to overlook spending 5 trillion more than was taken in in the last 8 years, plus taking on trillions more in liabilities, plus allowing Americans to run up the greatest private sector debt ever known to man.
The actual conservatives among us realized we need to force these issues to a head, and the only way we get to do this is to let the liberals be responsible liberals and try paying for their liberal dreams.
Funny thing is, I'm not sure that Obama's budget will actually be any bigger than the budgets left by your pet monkey Dubya.
No matter, see ya in a few years kid. Hopefully you've caught up by then.
At 15 November, 2008 17:46 ,
Anonymous said...
The actual conservatives among us realized we need to force these issues to a head, and the only way we get to do this is to let the liberals be responsible liberals and try paying for their liberal dreams.
No matter, see ya in a few years kid. Hopefully you've caught up by then.
15 November, 2008 13:45
You judge my words to be non-substantive because it is not what you want to read or receive in response to your verbose and rambling diatribes. Plus, you have no sense of irony as you completely misinterpreted the first question of my most recent post as being other than rhetorical and rife with sarcasm.
However, in answer to your non-sensical ramblings, the issues would have forced without B. Hussein Obama in the presidency. The Congress is totally and overwhelmingly controlled by the liberal Democrats for the forseeable future and they would have forced the issues just fine.
The only thing you accomplished by putting Obama in the White House is the handing of the judiciary to the liberal Democrats, which is something a true conservative would have never done. Plus, think about it, if you reside in Chicago or Chicagoland, from your precinct worker up to and including the presidency of our country, Democrats control it all, and absolute power corrupts absolutely, or is your warped and diabolical solution as sinister as helping us into worse cicumstances in order to make the Democrats look even worse. Oh please, be real. The collateral damage is suffered by the hard working middle class. Why don't you, a closet liberal, just be proud and admit you wanted B. Hussein Obama because of whatever you feel it solves for liberalism.
Also, your words are only about economics, never about social issues. You helped hand liberalism a foothold in the judiciary that will take generations to overcome. Great move. And you call yourself a conservative? Oh please!
Unfortunately, what is done by the misguided, is done. I don't hope to see you in a few years because your words tell me that you will never catch up and see the truth. You liberals think you always know better than everyone else, without fail. For the sake of being able to blame the Democrats for their policies, you handed them the whole ball game. Makes a lot of sense. You ARE a dope.
At 15 November, 2008 19:40 ,
Anonymous said...
--The Congress is totally and overwhelmingly controlled by the liberal Democrats for the forseeable future and they would have forced the issues just fine.--
And again, in 500 or so words you absolutely fail to talk about any responsibility for a Republican administration and congress from 2000-2006, and a Republican congress pre-2006.
Nope, nooooooow you are afraid of what might happen?
Good God is it a good thing you still have your legs, arms and life son. Didn't volunteer for Dubya's Iraq adventure then?
Nope, not one substantive word. If you are only now afraid of what might happen to this country, than you ARE the problem with what has already happened.
Record personal debt levels, and rising every day. National home equity leves at the lowest level EVER (below 50%) and sinking every day.
Record national debt, and rising every day.
Unemployment at a 15 year high, and climbing. Each of the market indexes lower than where Bush found them 8 years ago.
Your pension? I guarantee you that the funding level of 99% of pension funds in this country is lower than 8 years ago.
Your stupidity is criminal. Who do you think is going to pay that national debt off? You? Cheney or Rumsfeld or the hedge fund folks in Connecticut?
If people like you stay in the Republican party and don't find your brains, the Republican party will be irrelevant for the foreseeable future.
You aren't a conservative. You are a cartoon character with no sense of responsibility or pride. You are the dupe who has been duped, and its exactly the reason you can't talk about any of these things substantively.
They say there is a sucker born every minute. It looks like 40 years worth of suckers are the remnants of the Republican party.
At 15 November, 2008 21:29 ,
Anonymous said...
Again, your repeated diatribes consist of insults, blah-blah, nothing substantive, blah-blah-blah, cartoon character, blah-blah-blah-blah, dupe, blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah, sucker.
For cripes sake! Give it a rest clown. If another's words are not what you judge to be substantive, you use insults, ridicule, and unending nonesense. Plus, I think the weed has gone to your brain. Read the first paragraph of your words in your last post. Huh?
And again, nothing about social issues and no defense to how you, and your like kind, handed EVERYTHING over to your like kind, the ultra-liberals. But please say hello to Supreme Court Judge in waiting Cornell West when you and your group of goofs realize exactly what you have wrought. Enjoy, you Judas.
Please fool, just go away and I do not give a liberal's ass if you go away mad, but just fucking go! You are a blithering ultra-liberal idiot.
At 15 November, 2008 22:20 ,
Anonymous said...
Me give it a rest?
You have to be the most entertaining idiot on the internet. How did the deficit double in 8 years of a Republican presidency, 6 of which included a Republican president?
You have nothing to say about that. Nada. Nope, you ain't seen nothing, heard nothing, said nothing. But look out for the boogeyman who's gonna raise your taxes!!!
The Supreme Court? Obviously you ain't an expert in this area either. Which Supreme Court justices are going to retire under Obama? Why the pro-choice ones. Leaving my 5-4 conservative majority in place. But look out for the boogeyman who's gonna abort your kids!!
You are a first class idiot. Bush may be looking for a dog when he retires, and you sound like a perfect candidate for that job!
Where do they get you people from anyway?
Here's a quick question or two for you to avoid: What was McCain going to do to reduce the budget? How much of non-medicare/medicaid and non-social-security and non-military spending is in the budget? And of that amount (which is less than the annual deficit), what exactly was McCain going to cut?
Were you a cheerleader at some point in your life, or did you ever have to think about anything besides slogans?
At 16 November, 2008 01:45 ,
Anonymous said...
You have to be the most entertaining idiot on the internet. How did the deficit double in 8 years of a Republican presidency, 6 of which included a Republican president?
Huh? Did the weed smoke get in your eyes? Speak much double-speak?
You have nothing to say about that. Nada. Nope, you ain't seen nothing, heard nothing, said nothing. But look out for the boogeyman who's gonna raise your taxes!!!
Huh? Since 9/11/2001, has there been a terrorist attack on our soil? Safety and security demand a high price, both in human life and in dollar and cents.
The Supreme Court? Obviously you ain't an expert in this area either. Which Supreme Court justices are going to retire under Obama? Why the pro-choice ones. Leaving my 5-4 conservative majority in place. But look out for the boogeyman who's gonna abort your kids!!
Roberts' health is questionable, and Scalia is the second oldest on the court. The swing vote, Kennedy, is no kid either, and besides, he has toyed with retiring. Thomas has high blood pressure and isn't looking healthy. And it is a shame that you couldn't have been collateral damage under Roe v. Wade. Need I continue?
You are a first class idiot. Bush may be looking for a dog when he retires, and you sound like a perfect candidate for that job!
Blah-blah-blah. How insightful.
Where do they get you people from anyway?
You people? Who's you people mother fucker? Back up Jack!
Here's a quick question or two for you to avoid: What was McCain going to do to reduce the budget? How much of non-medicare/medicaid and non-social-security and non-military spending is in the budget? And of that amount (which is less than the annual deficit), what exactly was McCain going to cut?
Oh please. Liberal much? They are all moot points. Obama going to take care of you and yours, so you never have to worry about housing or not having a job. Fuck that deficit, screw that budget. Democrats going to make us all rich! No worries mate!
Were you a cheerleader at some point in your life, or did you ever have to think about anything besides slogans?
What in the fuck on this green earth are you trying to convey? I think you wrapped your blunt just a little too tight. Slogan my nizzle, fo-shizzle, you dizzle.
At 16 November, 2008 02:17 ,
Anonymous said...
1. picking an unknown beauty queen with a drop out pregnant daughter for vp...UNREAL. 2. being indecisive, suspending campaign & going back to washington to say nothing...WACK JOB. 3. stating the fundamentals of our economy is strong...OH GRANDPA! 4. seeing that face as he delivers his concession speech on nov 4 ...PRICELESS!!!
At 16 November, 2008 09:30 ,
Anonymous said...
--Oh please. Liberal much? They are all moot points.--
Still haven't had time to think about the question enough to come up with an answer? Cartoon network must be on. I'll give you more tips and clues once you come up with what 600 billion McCain would cut from the less-than 500 billion discretionary non-military budget!
--Huh? Since 9/11/2001, has there been a terrorist attack on our soil? Safety and security demand a high price, both in human life and in dollar and cents.--
That less-than 500 billion discretionary non-military budget includes all of the intelligence and domestic law-enforcement. So you think they are valuable, but don't want to pay for it.
Conservatives are not thiefs. Thiefs are thiefs, and what's left of the Republican party includes a lot of thiefs. Or maybe you do have an idea how to pay for it, and just haven't written it in the 3000 words of drool you've posted so far.
--Slogan my nizzle, fo-shizzle, you dizzle.--
That about sums up what you have to say.
At 16 November, 2008 10:14 ,
Anonymous said...
16 November, 2008 09:30
The bottom line is you are an ultra-liberal masquerading as a conservative. Your supposed line of conservative thought, and the reason you assisted in handing over the whole ball game, was give them the whole court of play, subsequently they will fail miserably, and then all will be eventually returned to the conservatives by a totally dismayed electorate.
So let me get this straight. You say we are already terribly ill, and the long term solution is to jeopardize our health even more, putting us on the edge of the precipice and at the threshold of death's door, so we, the electorate, will turn to a new doctor, a miracle worker, that will cure all of our ills, some which are self-inflicted in a bizaare attempt to get back our health. Interesting line of thought, introducing new ills, to cure other ills, but the problem is one of the introduced ills can kill the host. At best, your solution is quite risky.
A true conservative would never abandon the conservative line of thought. Just like cancer, you hid and steathily worked from the inside to destroy the host or put the host so far back that it will take generations to recover. Congratulations, mission accomplished.
At 16 November, 2008 12:51 ,
Anonymous said...
--A true conservative would never abandon the conservative line of thought.--
This about sums it up for you, again. You say you are a conservative, but cannot defend McCain or Bush. Indeed, your accusations against Democrats are impeached by Bush's own statements at White House dot gov.
You can call yourself the queen of Chicago for all I care. You are not a conservative. Indeed, you are a thief in favor of stealing from those children and grandchildren you wish not to be aborted.
My only interest in this conversation is that jackasses like you hijacked my party from me.
Fine, you can have it. You can sit rubbing your toy gun and dreaming about the old days when everybody liked the same people you liked.
Unfortunately, quite a few members of the former Republican party can think for themselves and not chant mindless slogans. They've moved on from you, leaving you in the dark with your toy gun.
Did you even finish high school?
At 16 November, 2008 18:02 ,
Anonymous said...
You are one nasty liberal. In your most recent post you call me a queen, a thief, a jackass, a hijacker, a gun stroker, mindless, and lacking education. Wow, I am almost insulted, but the laughter insulated me and kept me from cutting my wrists.
Then, the real topper, is your declaration, "Fine, you can have it" in reference to your party. Remarkable! How can you give away something you already helped give away to others? You just cut and ran, but I suspect we are soon to see a lot of cutting and running.
At 18 November, 2008 11:13 ,
Anonymous said...
Feel sorry for Duckworth or any other military member? Why? They joined out of their own free will. They get paid to die for their country. Its part of the job.....
At 18 November, 2008 18:13 ,
Anonymous said...
Feel sorry for Duckworth or any other military member? Why? They joined out of their own free will. They get paid to die for their country. Its part of the job.....
18 November, 2008 11:13
You are a 1st class jagoff.
At 18 November, 2008 22:02 ,
Anonymous said...
18 November, 2008 11:13,
They signed up to serve their country. Nobody signs up to die, but they are willing to go to that extent if needed. And every service person that dies, died preserving freedom for total fucking jagoffs like you.
At 19 November, 2008 10:11 ,
Anonymous said...
Freedom? In Iraq? Illegal occupation. Keep the troops home. Mind our own business.
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